Oh with me it's
loooong story/history
great grandpa fought in WW1, so fighting in mud drowning trenches of France in British army.
He and his mates kept finding the Germans had lovely, well-made concrete bunkers unlike the British mostly crap ass ones and trenches deep in mud guys drowned in.
In the German bunkers they'd used cement bags from their construction as flooring to keep mud/dirt down.
So as war ended they were going back home and found this ENORMOUS underground bunker complex the UK high command had made, it even had a freakin'
stable, so the gentry could ride aroud on horse back after tiffin,
what ho!

And again, same cement bags...
And then on the docks in Belgium, cement bags: same company had supplied BOTH sides during the war.
To say he was angry at that treachery is an understatement.
That and other crap he and others suffered (like
making him go back to unexploded charges in the mines that blew him up twice) made him an ardent Communist, lol, no wonder he hated the stupid "System".
Lots of other stuff like that in family and personal experience makes you see how bloody stupid, greedy and cowardly things end up going
Human Beings always take things to extremes in groups:
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I don't believe in some vast super-powerful "Illuminanti" crap, just...plain old
crap en masse