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Will you help raise the last £1,000 for Projects 1&2 of the UK Gut Microbiota Research?

Jo Best

Senior Member
You can donate by text if in UK to 70070 using code MEGR66 followed by £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10
and JustTextGiving gives the option to add Gift Aid for eligible UK tax payers.

Text donations are added to the donations from any country on this page on JustGiving:

Or you can donate to Invest in ME Research by PayPal: paypal@investinme.org

Bank Transfer

Bank: Lloyds TSB Heartsease

Sorting code: 77-66-53

Account number: 22439568

Bank Transfer from outside the UK

IBAN: GB63 LOYD 77665322439568



Send cheques payable to ‘Invest in ME Research’ to:

Invest in ME Research
PO Box 561,
SO50 0GQ

(add Gift Aid to your donation with Invest in ME Research Gift Aid form)

See the charity's website to click on their donate buttons and for the latest on this research: http://www.investinme.org/ce-news-1709-02.shtml#.Wbj_AdOCqLQ.twitter

It would be good to get this target reached and then focus on next phases of the Invest in ME Research Centre of Excellence so that this work may continue unhindered by lack of funds.

(I don't work at or for the charity, I'm just a keen supporter of their Centre of Excellence projects.)



Senior Member
well done Jo I think your post has encouraged quite a few of us to help on the final push on this
I had to go through another route using pay pal as for some reason Just Giving didnt like my donation.......
and as Im still (just about) employed enjoyed ticking the gift aid box too
hopefully some good news tomorrow :thumbsup:


Senior Member
@Jo Best i really like the way the fundraising is organised by IIME I suggested on the thread about raising funds for the Naviaux research that it would be a good model to follow if a US ME charity could work with them to fundraise.

It is just so impressive that 1/2 a million has been raised through the community for rituximab and I think it will be amazing to get everyone focused on the 1.6m target for the CoE.
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Jo Best

Senior Member
@NelliePledge I hadn't seen that thread so have just read it and wonder if OMF might be the best US charity to advise as Dr. Naviaux is on their Scientific Advisory Board. I know what you mean about the breaking it up into chunks in stages as the work progresses and people being able to choose a specific project to donate to etc. Yes, it would be great to get supporters focused on the next funding target for the Centre of Excellence.

Jo Best

Senior Member
Yay, target reached! Well done everybody: http://www.investinme.org/ce-news-1709-04.shtml


Jo Best

Senior Member
@jstash - next phases as it's a translational biomedical research programme so they will continue until diagnostic tests and treatments have been established and the fundraising has allowed this to begin and continue without delays or uncertainties over funding, which there are in UK because of mainstream funding mechanisms.

The Centre of Excellence work also involves medical education which includes funding medical students to be directly involved in the biomedical research, two of the students are now qualified medical doctors.

Details are in the update: http://www.investinme.org/ce-news-1709-04.shtml

Current funding streams -
