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Why would SAM-e make someone tired?


Senior Member
As the title says: why would SAM-e make someone tired?

This is our third try of SAM-e -- this time at the suggestion of a doctor in response to sightly high histamine and low homocysteine.

Again, it has induced tiredness. No anxiety or any other signs of stimulation. Just tiredness (this is on top of the fatigue in ME/CFS of course).

My question is: WHY?

I'd be grateful for any suggestions. The why can be important.

Background: We have been on a version of the Freddd regime since January, with far more adenosylB12 than anyone else around here and increasing doses of FMN (+mB12 and methylfolate, and other stuff etc, of course).
I had the same experience. I tried to incorporate SAMe on and off for 3 years. A crumb at a time. Finally one day I felt energy and clear thinking after SAMe. At the advice of my naturopath I worked the dose up to 1600 mg per day. That was great for a year. Energy, greatly reduced pain and anxiety, clear thinking, great mood. This winter I became very fatigued again, for no particular reason. I played around with my supplement regimen, and leaving out SAMe made me feel better. So I cut my dose in half. Eventually I had to quit taking it altogether. I too would like to know what happened. I'm happy to have one less supplement to take, but I really liked SAMe and how it made me feel!


Senior Member
@traray - you are the only other person on the internet I can find who has the same experience.

I wish someone could tell us why a supplement that makes everyone else wired/energetic/anxious/stimulated just makes us very, very sleepy.


Senior Member
SAM-e boosts neurotransmitter levels, including serotonin. Supplements that boost serotonin tend to produce tiredness, most well known is L-tryptophan (the story is one gets sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner due to the Turkey meat, which contains large amounts of tryptohan). I get the same effect from P5P, which is a serotonin precursor. Taking a large amount would make me fall asleep easily within one hour.
Sam-e has the same effect on me. Even at 50mg I get very tired, sleepy and zoned out feeling. The vast majority of people say they feel energized on it. For me, it is the polar opposite. Have no idea why.