I'm not rich. I did bother to invest in insurance, however.
I have insurance and none of the M.E. doctors I have seen accept any insurance.
I'm not rich. I did bother to invest in insurance, however.
Yea for Obama Care. While not perfect health care it's a step in the right direction.
All the ones I've seen accept insurance. Are you going to to medical docs or alternative practitioners who treat CFS?I have insurance and none of the M.E. doctors I have seen accept any insurance.
i think if the disease fits within the norms of what they know then universal health systems work well. if u have me/cfs then u fall outside the norms and through the cracks.LOL, Yeah, because socialized medicine works so great in the UK and Canada
All the ones I've seen accept insurance. Are you going to to medical docs or alternative practitioners who treat CFS?
I've seen 3 ME doctors:All the ones I've seen accept insurance. Are you going to to medical docs or alternative practitioners who treat CFS?
I had no idea Enlander does not accept insurance. That's useful to know. Were the others top ME/CFS docs? It would be helpful for members to know which of the top docs are not accepting insurance.Dr Enlander and a couple other M.D.s. None of them will accept.insurance.
Since they're relatively new, perhaps they're just waiting on the appropriate paperwork to be able to bill insurance, which takes a very long time.- Dr. Kogelnik does not accept any insurance plan, but the goal of his clinic OMI is to do so in the future (probably when ME will be officially and fully recognized as a chronic, serious disease, like MS).
AVs and abx are not approved for ME/CFS in the US, either. Smart doctors don't prescribe them for ME, they prescribe them for the infection itself. Maybe that would work in Italy as well. Infections are infections and require treatment regardless how you came about them.The problem in Italy is that ME is not recognized as a disease yet, so if you wanted to take some A/V for chronic infections, the doctor would have no chance at having it covered by the social health services.
@ SOC Both your points are valid, but the bottom line is to get ME recognized as a serious, chronic disease, for which there need to be more real scientific research.Since they're relatively new, perhaps they're just waiting on the appropriate paperwork to be able to bill insurance, which takes a very long time.
AVs and abx are not approved for ME/CFS in the US, either. Smart doctors don't prescribe them for ME, they prescribe them for the infection itself. Maybe that would work in Italy as well. Infections are infections and require treatment regardless how you came about them.
I agree with you completely.@ SOC Both your points are valid, but the bottom line is to get ME recognized as a serious, chronic disease, for which there need to be more real research.
Until this is not happening our doctors have to come up with billing and coding "subterfuges", we are literally rotting away and many of us have no access for geographical and/or financial reasons to any of the existing ME specialists.
I had no idea Enlander does not accept insurance. That's useful to know. Were the others top ME/CFS docs? It would be helpful for members to know which of the top docs are not accepting insurance.
i don't actually think there are any me/cfs "specialists". to me, specialist would imply regular total cures.
I guess I'm lucky. The 3 ME/CFS specialist clinics (conventional med, not alternative) I've been to all took insurance. I did check in advance, of course, and wouldn't have gone to them if they didn't.Nope, and I have Blue Shield insurance. I'm trying to get reimbursement from my insurance company claiming Dr Enlander as an internist but they are giving me a hard time because A) an internist shouldn't be ordering those labs and B) I can't say their for diagnosing ME because..... well, you know.
I have recently been seeing Dr Susan Leventhal in NY state and she also doesn't accept insurance. She's more of a functional medicine doc by title but specializes in chronic disease- namely Lyme and CFS/ME. In my experiences so far she is MUCH more versed in this disease and much more thorough than Dr Enlander. Very knowledgeable about methylation, too.
I like this line of thinking and think it may be quite effective! The target? How about the AMA for multiple legalI wonder if this is grounds for a class action lawsuit. I'm serious. probably the cdc, but maybe the medical schools.
Now, who to get to run point?
the cfs specialists I have seen charged anywhere from 350 an hour to 1000.
I don't think its all about overhead.
that is why Canada has so few good docs left. they can simply make more money in the USA, despite higher insurance premiums, because there is no limit to the amount they can charge.