even weeks-long binges on some garbage 'Special K' made in a basement in Guandong seems to do remarkably little permanent harm.
Sorry I have to take issue with you here - this is irresponsible nonsense. In the UK Ketamine abuse is widespread as it is so easy to get hold of and cheap. In the area I live in their are many many sad casualties of Ketamine abuse - especially amongst the very young and lots of girls affected.
Many youngsters are having to have their bladders removed and bags permanently attached - I have met a few such cases - all under 25. A girl my son went to school with (he's 22) died last month - she was only taking Ketamine.
Once the effects of the drug have worn off, users might experience severe abdominal pain. It can also cause thickening of the bladder and urinary tract, and this can force some long-term addicts to have their bladders removed as the walls are too thick and prevent urine from passing through.
Other issues include kidney problems, which are caused by the drug’s interaction with the kidneys as it is reduced into its metabolites.
[*]Cause confusion, agitation, panic attacks, and impairment in short and long term memory. Frequent use is sometimes associated with the development of depression.
[*]Cause very serious bladder problems in regular users. They can have problems peeing and when they do it can be very painful. Sometimes the damage is so bad that the bladder has to be removed by surgery. The urinary tract, from the kidneys down to the bladder, can also be badly affected.
What are the health risks of ketamine?
Ketamine can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. It can make you confused, agitated, delirious and disconnected from reality. It can make you feel sick, and it can cause damage to your short and long term memory. Other risks include:
- Because of the body’s loss of feelings, paralysis of the muscles and the mind’s loss of touch with reality, you can be left vulnerable to hurting yourself or being hurt by others.
- Because you don't feel pain properly when you've recently taken ketamine, you can injure yourself badly and not know you've done it.
- Ketamine can cause very serious bladder problems, with the urgent and frequen need to pee. This can be very painful and often pee can be blood-stained and can contain tissue from the wall of the bladder. Although stopping using ketamine can help, sometimes the damage can be so serious that the bladder needs to be removed by surgery. The urinary tract, from the kidneys down to the bladder, can also be badly affected and incontinence (uncontrolled peeing) may also develop
To be clear I am talking about abuse of Ketamine, not when it is used as a prescribed drug, however I have seen enough of the fall out from abuse that I would not go near it.
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- Some users have been known to take higher doses as a way to control the bladder pain caused by ketamine, which in turn increases the risk of bladder damage and pain.
- Abdominal pain or ‘K cramps’ have been reported by many long-term users.
- Evidence of liver damage due to regular, heavy ketamine use is emerging. The liver has a range of important functions, such as cleaning your blood and removing toxic substances.