Maybe this has already been covered somewhere, but this has been bugging me a bit. According to this site and others
"The most consistent laboratory abnormality in patients with CFS is an extremely low erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), which approaches zero. Typically, patients with CFS have an ESR of 0-3 mm/h. An normal ESR or one that is in the upper reference range suggests another diagnosis."
Since invasion of the body by viruses would normally result in a HIGH sedimentation rate, what could possibly be going on with XMRV to make it low? Should this make us a bit more sceptical about the XMRV theory or is there some other explanation?
"The most consistent laboratory abnormality in patients with CFS is an extremely low erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), which approaches zero. Typically, patients with CFS have an ESR of 0-3 mm/h. An normal ESR or one that is in the upper reference range suggests another diagnosis."
Since invasion of the body by viruses would normally result in a HIGH sedimentation rate, what could possibly be going on with XMRV to make it low? Should this make us a bit more sceptical about the XMRV theory or is there some other explanation?