Why I think we'll cure ME in 2021 with immunotherapy


Senior Member
I seemed to have missed the updates on Draco technology research. I heard they were restarting its research because of COVID. But what's new? Have they made any research progess in it? Or had any breakthroughs? Or did they just made plans for phase 1 testing in the future?


Senior Member
From what i read on their website no new news. If anybody has more coreect me. They are either doingn animal(likely) or human(enough funding met, unlikely)trials starting soon(unknown.)

they are still doing groundwork the company in all aspects. Its still in very early infancy, ut seems to me.

on their sute they saud 18 to 24 months phase 1 vut isnaverage but they hope to donbetter.

If they do human trials, is me a market they are thinking of including? If anybody knows
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Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
Well yeah that is a big motivator. I want this thing to end. Too much human misery. Still, I've put in a lot of hours researching immunotherapy with no funding. Nobody likes to work for free.

What if it turns out the entire illness is actually copies of the tryptase gene & if one has more than an 8 level in tryptase in the blood it is highly likely one has multiple copies of the tryptase gene called (HATS) Hereditary

Alpha Tryptasemia Syndrome found by Fauci's team in 2016 at NIH/NIAID & was Published I believe in Nature. I am to be tested this month the cost is only $169.00 it requires a Doctor's signature. The Videos on Youtube

about 4 of them from the team key in tryptase, it will come up. The test is done in Houston, Texas with www.genebygene.com look for a tryptase test on the site, all videos & forms are below at the bottom of the page.

A normal tryptase in the blood is 10 but is only a cut-off point, some say it should be lower...It is also found in hypermobility types & is passed on at birth by both parents. They said as many as 5 to 6% of the population

have this, but all are not sick & is seen in other family members as well but not all will have the illness or same symptoms, it is also linked in some to MCAS...
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