I think the problem being highlighted by the video is actually institutionalised bullying it is rife in all work places because people have always turned a blind eye to it . ... in schools everyone turned a blind eye towards ... since there is still limited intervention in our education system and the law refuses to intervene ... I think it will be an ongoing problem for generations to come . ...
Yes. There is a lack of being "cultured". And institutions might be given detrimental concepts.
Nevertheless I think laws are only of limited might here. Eg the older generations are putting to less "sense" in the pupils and then some knee-jerk reactions are taking place once again, but in a modern enviroment now, with more personal freedom. The "greatest" difficulty might be to
care now for things that were suggesting
itself. (Leading to and containing some joke of being). Instead of that everybody and even everything is demanding something.
In respect of doctors.
A. Being a doctor is not easy. You are treating other people, and mistakes are always in the range of acts (and a doctor will do mistakes of course -).
I know a surgeon since I was a child, and he has just this funny balance to do it properly. It´s like a bold mountain climber, who need to know very well that every step may be his last one, and who has all confidence that he wont step for a last time. So "knowing about the possibility to fail" and "having the confidence not to fail" is reaching high in being a doctor. I couldnt be a doctor, but this retired surgeon I know still "is" a doctor.
B. Then there is the - wrong - demand often coming from our society to be "someone" all on your own, which is not human like (rather). Bullying comes along trying to be the impossible. But already old Platon knew:
It´s the crowd of pupils who make the teacher a teacher, and it´s the teacher who makes the pupils pupils. There are these magic teachers who are able to conduct the crowd, aren´t they?
It´s the female who makes the male a male, and it´s the male who makes the female a female. Well, this last one might be a silly exception.
It´s the patient who makes the doctor a doctor, and it´s the doctor who makes the patient a patient. ... Well, not in my experience time after time -
A. I´ve been in a canteen for students of psychology for a few times, and there was always the attitude around: "We are in charge for the most important. Therfore we will not be really questionable." (despite the fact that this empirical science is often handling indeed with weak stuff, easily guessing into the uncertain, he?). Comparable attitudes can also be found sticking in neurologists (despite the still counting fact that the brain is most complicate and difficult to look in) and philosophers (despite some insight that the most important always vanishes away).
In fact, everybody refuses to be "questionable". That´s only natural because we all are making for the success, aren´t we? But to refuse to be "questionable" may be mindclosing.
I think everybody needed to prepare not to recognize himself as a given but as a movement that ever will be acting and searching for stableness to build up out of the uncertain. This insight might help to avoid suicide and to stay mentally away from a not well enough conceptualized society.