So when I am very inflamed, I shake while I sleep, a lot, my hubby says I have the arms move jerkily all over the place and legs. But I noticed lately when I add cinnamon, my shaking while sleeping comes back, Does any body knows why???
I read in a thread something about cinnamon to block P40 channels? or something like that to do with my genetic mutations. I googled but cannot find the thread nor the why.
You could have a problem with either a benzoate or histamine sensitivity (based on your shaking at night and problems with cinnamon). I *seem* to have a histamine intolerance. For me, most animal protein is out. I really haven't tested cinnamon, because, frankly, I am tired of trying foods that I suspect will give me a problem, and yep, it gave me a problem, meaning I am itchy, I jerk at night, I get joint pain or I have a headache.
Maybe it has an effect on your blood sugar, causing your adrenal glands to produce more cortisol. Cortisol binds strongly to aldosterone receptors, and increased aldosterone raises sodium and lowers potassium, resulting in low potassium levels or at least altered electrolyte levels.
Wow, someone else, my GF has a big intolerance to cinnamon, we thought it was because cinnamol is in a lot of cosmetics which have led to some kind of sensitisation?