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why can't I tolerate probiotics?


Senior Member
Every time I try and take probiotics i just get bad diarrhoea. Does anyone have any ideas why I can't tolerate probiotics?

Many thanks in advance


iherb code TAK122
I think you need to be tested for gut problems, I was the same, much worse after taking several different probiotics, after seeing a nutritionist who prescribed me some mega money ones (delivered by refrigerated van) they still made me sick and ended up whizzing them out of date. I have been taking Culturelle on the strength of testing and I've been fine. I suppose if you can't get tested its just a question of trying different ones. Have you tried Kefir, I seemed to tolerate that but its such a pain if you aren't well, looking after that as well:).


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Every time I try and take probiotics i just get bad diarrhoea. Does anyone have any ideas why I can't tolerate probiotics?

Many thanks in advance

I'd agree that gut testing is necessary to see what is actually going on there, what you are lacking, what infections might be there, leaky gut etc. When you have gut problems you have to take remedies which match what is actually going on. Probiotics vary a great deal in composition.

My doc prescribed very individualized gut protocols according to test results.

I hope you have access to some good testing!



ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
I think that you need to use a probiotic that doesn't contain or promote D-lactate.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
I have been taking Culturelle on the strength of testing and I've been fine.

You're probably fine on Culturelle because it most likely isn't doing anything. These commercial probiotics, like Culturelle and Align, just contain way to little bacteria to be effective. For instance Culturelle has 10 billion cells per dose, as opposed to Custom Probiotics which contains 200 billion cells per dose. You'd have to take 2/3rds of a box of Culturelle to even come close to a single dose of Custom Probiotics.


Senior Member
These commercial probiotics, like Culturelle and Align, just contain way to little bacteria to be effective.

That's simple not true. Although it is true that Align and other probiotics contain much less bacteria than probiotics like VSL3 for example this says nothing about their efficiency. When I took Align for the first time nearly all my food intolerances went away and I was feeling much better. After 3 months I slowly became intolerant to Align, had to stop taking it and my food problems returned.

The question is:

a) Is someone lacking bacteria and when yes, which strain? Do we actually know what a normal bacteria count is for each individual and which count is best for certain diseases and a certain genetic makeup?
b) Does someone have high intestinal permeability so that probiotics or their byproducts cross into the bloodstream and cause huge problems?
c) Do the probiotics reach this part of the gut where they are supposed to go to or do these bacteria settle in a place where they shouldn't?
d) We have around 400 strains in our gut. There exists a highly complicated interplay between all of these. Isn't it very childish to believe that just by ingesting a capsule with the same amount of a few strains where we don't know where they go, each day, we actually reach the right composition of these 400 strains?

For me it is much more interesting to know why our bacteria got dysbalanced in the first place and how our body can restore it.


Senior Member
I think that you need to use a probiotic that doesn't contain or promote D-lactate.

JPV, do you have any suggestions of such a probiotic? I did try kefir for a while and seemed to tolerate that ok....


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
JPV, do you have any suggestions of such a probiotic? I did try kefir for a while and seemed to tolerate that ok....

It's hard to give a recommendations because it's all so individualized. I tried Align and Culturelle, both of which are D-lactate free, and they seemed ok. I tried the Custom Probiotics blend, that was D-lactate free, and felt that it was a better product. Some people like VSL3, but I've never tried it and I think you need a prescription. From what I can tell, these seem to be the most popular ones right now.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Some people like VSL3, but I've never tried it and I think you need a prescription.

VSL-3 doesn't require a prescription but has to be shipped cold. In the States you can order it via Amazon and also through other retailers.



Senior Member
JPV, do you have any suggestions of such a probiotic? I did try kefir for a while and seemed to tolerate that ok....

I know that Align and Jarrow Ideal Bowel Support (L. Plantarum 299v) are D Lactate free. Both of these are also effective at treating IBS-D.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Yeah, I do think the key is to try a D-lactate free probiotic. I believe Kefir is D-lactate free and that might be why it was tolerated so well. I also think that you might need to switch brands every few months.


iherb code TAK122
JPV - I don't agree that the Culturelle isn't doing anything for me. I've recently finished a couse of a/bx and my gut has been okay since taking the Culturelle, also no more constipation, I'm more than happy with it. I have to start another course of abx soon so time will tell if it continues, we all vary so much and I think its just a case of trying things one by one, its very expensive though as is everything with this illness.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
Thanks for this link, not cheap Think I will try kefir again

This is what I buy, in the US, and it's about a 2 months supply. So, considering the strength, it's not really that much more expensive than other brands.