This is all fascinating reading, but I want to play Devil's Advocate for a moment. Given the Western world's diet, and the amount of amalgam fillings most people have, shouldn't there be more people with ME/CFS? Ditto with mould (sorry, UK spelling!) - in the UK, there really isn't anywhere that isn't damp, black mould is endemic in properties (very often hiding behind cupboards, etc). I recall reading the advice of one group to 'relocate to the desert' and wondered where my nearest desert would be - probably the Sahara!
Shouldn't we be questioning why some of us end up with toxicity from mercury or other heavy metals that ends in disease, whilst other people seemingly remain unscathed and live healthy, active lives? Ditto mould. (Lyme is another matter, so won't include that in my musings). Could it not be that we have some genetic susceptibility (i.e. don't detox as well) or other vitamin/mineral deficiencies have resulted in our bodies not being able to handle an excess toxic load, whether heavy metal or fungal?
I'll give an example - oxalate. It's a poison, plants are the largest source of it, seems to be protective to them in some way. Humans can eat it and will either deal with it via oxalobacter formigenes (and I think there's another bacterium that deals with it too) in the gut, or we sequester it away in places like our bones. Basically, it doesn't trouble us. Unless we develop various deficiencies, or lose our gut flora due to antibiotics, for example. Then problems arise, painful problems, as our body will no longer deal with oxalate. It may dump from where it's stored in our bodies. Nasty stuff! But it's only harmful if those other preconditions are met. Could it not be the same with mercury, or arsenic, or black mould?
Obviously there's a point beyond which even a healthy body cannot detox sufficiently on its own, if enough of a toxin is ingested, but otherwise, I have to wonder, why isn't the entire UK population sick with mould-induced disease? Why isn't my partner, who's lived in the same houses as me for 25 years, sick as I am - but he's ridiculously healthy? Same black mould exposure. As far as I am concerned, there are other factors at play here.
None of that discounts the problems some of you have had with these toxins, nor negates the treatments that have helped. But the question is, why did those substances affect you in the first place?