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Who are the most World-renowned Vaccine Experts?


Senior Member
Specialist is a weird term, in general you use "expert" or something like that in science for someone who is well versed in his field. In this context, probably a person who has studied things like cellular, molecular biology, is an MD or PhD and has published several articles in the field.

But in general, science doesn't rely on authorities, so there is really no single "vaccine expert" that has all the answers. Expertise is something you earn from contributing to advances in a scientific field.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Since @YippeeKi YOW !! is our resident expert (for the time being), does that mean she's extreme? :D Of course, I guess we could just ask her. I'm sure she'd fess up if she was. lol
Yes. I'm extreme .....ly brain fogged and irritable today ....

Also, I'm extremely opposed to idiocy in general, and medical-community idiocy in particular ..... also not fond of severely impaired grammar, including my own .... and I;m extremely opposed to any form of injustice .... I have a lot of other extremes, but right now one of them is brain fog, so I'm going to stop before I embarrass myself, which I'm prone to do from time to time .... and I extremely hate that ....

But you've given my spirits a little boost with your kind words, altho I can;t imagine what in God's name I've posted to earn that title. BUT I'M KEEPING IT !!! And I'm really, really, REALLY cranky, so don't even try to take it away ....

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Yh sorry I meant Medical Experts that know the Pros and Cons in Vaccinations, I don't just want to find a Pro-Vaccination Expert or an Anti-Vaccination Expert because their views are extreme.

Been investigating the issue myself alot recently, with the new grandbaby and all.

Vaccination is not A THING. Its many things..so keep that in mind.

Each type of vaccination likely leads to some- different expert..
Robert Kennedy Jr. is involved with some legal investigations related to the anti-vaccination movement in the US.
He can be googled and that might lead to some names of others they use as experts. They did a FOIA to FDA (?) for giving Pregnant women the MMRV shot ...and could produce no safety data because they had no safety data.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Here's an eye-opener... (Can be either read or watched -- approx. 20 min.)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Nails the Vaccine Argument…

WOW !!!! Just WOW !!!!

Read this !!! Copy and paste it into a word doc so that when 'they' take this article down you'll still have it, you'll still be able to advocate, you'll still be able to push back.

Read this !!! This is important !!!

Thank you @Wayne for posting this !!!

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...