Here is the legal description of the charges that Judy Mikovits was arrested under.

C Sec:1551.1 Level:Felony Fugitive From Justice
1551.1. The arrest of a person may also be lawfully made by any
peace officer, without a warrant, upon reasonable information that
the accused stands charged in the courts of any other state with a
crime punishable by death or imprisonment for a term exceeding one
year, or that the person has been convicted of a crime punishable in
the state of conviction by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year
and thereafter escaped from confinement or violated the terms of his
or her bail, probation or parole. When so arrested the accused shall
be taken before a magistrate with all practicable speed and
complaint shall be made against him or her under oath setting forth
the ground for the arrest as in Section 1551.
Now maybe somebody can figure what this means from a legal standpoint. A reporter did state that the police in Ventura were not acting on information coming from the police department in Reno -- it apparently came from some federal department. I personally believe, we are missing a whole lot of information that will come out as events happen.