Whitney Dafoe’s New Year Message

Janet Dafoe

Board Member
Happy New Years! [sound on]

2022 is the year of hope for ME/CFS.


To celebrate, here is a video of me dancing for hope in 2022:

My wish for this new year is for there to be no suicides due to ME/CFS. Every ME/CFS patient who takes their life is a huge loss to the whole world and I feel it deep in my soul. It hurts like nothing else. ME/CFS patients have an understanding about this life that no one else does. They say you don’t truly know what you have until you have lost it. Well ME/CFS takes our lives. And in doing so, teaches us what life really means. We have so much to teach the world.

This year, I want us to band together as a community and support each other better, be less divisive over things that do not matter, and take care of each other. I believe that as a community, we can hold each other up in this final chapter of the great suffering of unsolved and prejudiced ME/CFS. We are part of history, a history that is being written right now and is soon to change dramatically.

I’m not going to make any exciting claims this year about a cure or treatments because there are too many unknowns and I feel ME/CFS patients took my attempts at excitement about the real progress we are making too literally last year. I don’t know if this is the year we will find a cure. But I do know that research is progressing at an incredible rate. Ronald Davis is trying to disprove the metabolic trap theory and he cannot yet disprove it. His team has successfully created the metabolic trap in yeast. This is huge. They are now going to test FDA approved drugs to see if they can get yeast that is trapped out of the trap. Literally any day, they could stumble on a drug that brings the yeast out of the trap completely.

Then they test it on human patients next, because these are FDA approved drugs that do not need lengthy trials. If there are drugs out there like Abilify that took us 40 years to find, there are surely drugs out there that could cure us if taken in the right way.

So 2022 is the year of hope for ME/CFS.


Please spread the hashtag!

And let’s make an earnest effort this year to look at our behavior in person and on the internet and try to stop spreading pessimism and negativity and divisiveness and start spreading more hope, support, and love for each other. We are all in this together and no one understands like we do. We are our own best hope and our own worst enemy. We are our best chance at getting through this alive.

And some day soon we are all going to get out of this together and I’m going to invite you all over to my house to celebrate being alive again!

Happy new year of hope.




Senior Member
And some day soon we are all going to get out of this together and I’m going to invite you all over to my house to celebrate being alive again!

Yes, this sounds great! I feel we'd all have a level of connection that is not shared by many.

Let's all hope for a great 2022, and try our best to help find the answers as much as it is within our power!


Senior Member
Hi @Whit.....you certainly looked chirpier than in past photos of you. Semi-sitting, no headphones.....way to go!

I agree that we should all come together, separate groups even, money is spread too thinly around as it is. A central group would give us more clout and personality meshing can be done, if we want.

I'd love to show up at your house for a huge party, as long as your parents & sister can join in and not just pass around hors d'ouvres. I'm assuming you're paying for the flights in. :) A healthier New Year to you and your entire family. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
I do get the feeling there is more hope now than we've had in the past...and for that I'm thankful, especially for the younger members. It means a lot to me and I hope for the sake of all of you that there will soon be relief in whatever form it may take. Probably a few things, but we'll adjust, especially if it makes life better and healthier for everyone. Whitney, you do look so much better....nice dancing, like the beat. Best wishes for 2022 to all of you. Yours, Lenora.
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Senior Member
Thank u for posting Janet
Dear Whitney my hero
Yes we will all come over and have the biggest party ...

Well ME/CFS takes our lives. And in doing so, teaches us what life really means. We have so much to teach the world.

So so so so true .... I have learnt more about life this yr than any of the other 48 yrs .
Such clarity on who I am and how my life wants to be lived ... the life in me expressing itself now the space has appeared . What connections and love really looks like . That love is what is done not what is said ... ( Both said and done is good too .

Love u Whitney
E x UK