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Which Strep Species Make H2S? + Need Antibiotic Input

I had a strongly positive H2S urine test. My stool culture from Genova showed allpha hemolytic strep, gamma hemolytic strep, enterobacter cloacae, and proteus mirabilis each at a 4+ (high) level, and also hafnia alvei and bacillus speciies each at 2+.

Are these species of strep among those De Meirleir has found to produce H2S? Are any of the others above known to produce H2S?

Also, I can't take Cipro because I've had a severe adverse reaction to another Fluoriquinolone (Levaquin) and Genova didn't do sensitivity testing on the strep speciies because they designate them as "NP" = non-pathogen. Any ideas on other antibiotics being used by Dr. D or others for this? How about something like Rifaximin which is fairly wide spectrum and stays in gut and is not absorbed? How long a course of antibiotics is usually prescribed and at what dosage for KDM's gut treatment?

I have a doc appointment tomorrow and any info on the above would be so appreciated!!!



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
How about something like Rifaximin which is fairly wide spectrum and stays in gut and is not absorbed? How long a couse of antibiotics is usually prescribed for Dr. D's gut treatment?

I have a doc appointment tomorrow and any info on the above would be so appreciated!!!


Hi Purma,

Look at the bottom of your screen. I have answered you in chat!



Senior Member
Mine also showed gamma strep at 4+, and I like to do something about it, so is Rifaximin the right choice?


H2S is produced by many types of bacteria.

KDM prescribed me several antibiotics which reduced it slightly (they improved my symptoms A LOT) but the one that sorted it out was xifaxin. This is the best all-purpose one, because it gets rid of pretty much all the nasties.
You need to take a lot of probiotics as well, usually about twice what it says on the packet. Take them 3 hours away from the antibiotic doses and keep taking them permanently after the antibiotic treatment has finished.

The xifaxin tip came from another PR member called CBS, and he and I both find we have to repeat the xifaxin every 5 months as things gradually backslide.

Thanks so much for your reply.

You say you need to take the Xifaxin (Rifaximin) every 5 months. What was the dose and duration of the initial Xifaxin treatment? What dose and duration do you need every 5 months to maintain improvement?

What probiotics do KDM and/or you recommend and at what dosage?

When you say your symptoms improved, what symptoms, how bad were they, and how much did they improve?

Thanks Again,


Senior Member
athene, how many days do you take the xifaxan for? and I could be wrong about this, but think CBS takes a course every 3 months! Maybe he could correct me if I"m wrong.


I've usually taken xifaxin for 2 weeks.
We need CBS to join this thread, don't we? I'll PM him to request his presence!!!
Athene :)


Senior Member
athene, how many days do you take the xifaxan for? and I could be wrong about this, but think CBS takes a course every 3 months! Maybe he could correct me if I"m wrong.

Did I hear my name mentioned? My experience with the effectiveness of Xifaxan (rifaximin) has been very similar to Athene's. I need to retreat the SIBO every 4-5 months: 400 mg QID for two weeks (I have also heard of others who have had success with 550 mg TID). Apparently a lot of SIBO is misdiagnosed as IBS (Small intestine bacterial overgrowth and irritable bowel syndrome-related symptoms: experience with Rifaximin). In the last year a large number of studies have been published showing the effectiveness of Xifaxan. For most, the biggest obstacle is the cost (112 200mg tablets at $9.50 a tablet = $1064 for a two weeks supply - patent recently extended to 2024). I had to go through a drawn out approval process but my insurance company now covers most of the cost.

I'm just now starting Equilibrant - Dr. Chia - to see if we can't address the suspected underlying cause - enterovirus infection of the intestine. My SIBO has been confirmed with multiple different tests (duodenal aspirate - not widely available and hydrogen breath test) as has my enterovirus infection (Stomach tissue immunohistochemistry and antibody test through ARUP).

For me, treatment of SIBO with Xifaxan has been extremely effective (Flagyl and Cipro failed to do anything). I had been experiencing severe GI issues for 6 years and 95% of these issues cleared within a week. Athene is right about the need for probiotics (both during and between treatments). Xifaxan is a powerful non-systemic antibiotic and it will rid your gut of the good and the bad. I realize that this is not ideal but neither were the CONSTANT GI issues. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on treating the enterovirus infection with Equilibrant/oxymatrine. The first few days have proven to me that just because oxymatrine is an herbal supplement, that does not mean that its effect is subtle. I started on one tablet in the morning but in two days needed to cut back to half a tablet to reduce the flu-like response. The muscle aches, joint pain, and overall flu-like feeling is subsiding and I'll probably be upping my dose in a few days. Dr. Chia suggests that the flu-like response will resolve within a couple weeks.

Hope this helps,

Sydney, Australia
I get rifaximin at a compounding pharmacy here in Sydney for aud$100.00 for a bottle of 56 500mg capsules.

I don't know if they service overseas customers, but this might be a cheaper option for many of you if they do. If anyone wants to know, I could find out.

All the best,



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
There is also a generic of rifaximin made in India. I got it through a Canadian pharmacy.

I get rifaximin at a compounding pharmacy here in Sydney for aud$100.00 for a bottle of 56 500mg capsules.

I don't know if they service overseas customers, but this might be a cheaper option for many of you if they do. If anyone wants to know, I could find out.

All the best,

Hi Sandra I am just wondering which compounding pharmacy you use in Sydney? I contacted my usual compounder but they do not make Rifaximin.
Thanks J.


Senior Member
There is also a generic of rifaximin made in India. I got it through a Canadian pharmacy.

which pharmacy i might ahve to go to them how much was tghe cost my pharmacy said 600$canadian


Senior Member
Pacific NW
My son ( who also has me/cfs) sees Dr Enlander in Manhattan and hopes to get rifaximim through insurance. I need SIBO testing and if indicated will order rifaximim from one of the pharmacies on this site:
http://www.pharmacychecker.com/generic/price-comparison/rifaximin/550 mg/.

I've used alldaychemist, an India online pharmacy for six years with no problems. It doesn't carry this drug so will try the pharmacy checker site. Price is attractive. May try my medicare drug supplement first as would prefer patented version.