Some questions for professor
@Jonathan Edwards
First my medical history in brief:
I'm a former alcoholic. Over time, I developed unexplained groin and esophageal pain, and my digestive system has become hypersensitive to both irritating foods and physical motion (if my stomach is empty for a long time, a single sneeze or hickup can trigger the symptoms and they continue at least 3 weeks). More important besides the pain I experience brain fog and fatigue but not muscle fatigue and more like a hangover type fatigue. I just feel sick and it's very hard to concentrate. Also I recently started to experience post exertional malaise. As my primary symptom is hangover type brain fog and fatigue , I researched and learned that IL-10 IL-12 and IFN-gamma are elevated when someone has hangover. I was wondering if I have these cytokines elevated, in times when I'm sick. A doctor has adviced me that these tests are not suitable for me because these cytokines were influenced by many different factors. but I'm not sure how competent she was. So I need your opinion. It turns out that it's very hard to make these tests, eventually I will need to have my blood drawn and send it to another country. But I'm asking in principle, even if I have a lab near me, is it worth making these tests in my case? Can these cytokines be elevated in a healthy person? Are the tests reliable?
p.s. I had my spleen removed due to trauma if that matters.