Where to order Imunovir Now???


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I have taken both and so has @heapsreal. After a year I never noticed much of a difference but who knows if it is keeping me from getting worse. Heaps has labs and can tell you better. My last labs my NK cell function went down 236 points in 8 months. I haven't been retested to know if it was a lab error.

I plan on getting Pine Cone Extract when I'm through with my current batch of Immunovir, which I got from Brand where it's half the price of Blue Sky at $45 or so for #50. No RX necessary which most Canadian pharmacies require.

Dr. Cheney recommends Pine Cone and it's cheaper than immunovir so I'm going to give it a shot in a few weeks.


I wondered what #50 means, does that mean the amount of tablets/capsules in a bottle?

Are you saying heaps owns a lab or he goes to a lab for results?

The only reason I looked up Isoprinosine (Immunovir) was because it was mentioned in the Life Extension book. I had no clue what its for to begin with. There seem to be different actions of it. I wonder if Pine Cone Extract and or Epicor would be beneficial for something as well as Immunovir? These are cheaper and can be bought OTC in the U.S.

I'm not sure what class of drugs Immunovir belong to but I've heard people calling it interferon inducer. What are some drugs known to induce interferon? I don't see any of the drugs mentioned on this thread mentioned on the interferon wikipedia page. There are 17 human interferons listed on wikipedia. I think cycloferon is another drug known to induce interferon.

Does Heaps have experience with Pine Cone Extract and Epicor to determine which ones is supposedly effective?

I wonder if Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) is related to Pine Cone Extract?
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iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I wondered what #50 means, does that mean the amount of tablets/capsules in a bottle?

Are you saying heaps owns a lab or he goes to a lab for results?

The only reason I looked up Isoprinosine (Immunovir) was because it was mentioned in the Life Extension book. I had no clue what its for to begin with. There seem to be different actions of it. I wonder if Pine Cone Extract and or Epicor would be beneficial for something as well as Immunovir? These are cheaper and can be bought OTC in the U.S.

Does Heaps have experience with Pine Cone Extract and Epicor to determine which ones is supposedly effective?

I wonder if Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) is related to Pine Cone Extract?

#50 means 50 tablets and they are 500mg each.

No experience with pinecone extract.

Immunovir can help increase natural killer cell numbers and function as well as T cells, so generally improve immune function which is helpful in fighting infections. I think immunovir is best used with treatments that directly treat infections one has eg antivirals or antibiotics etc, also might be a good way to maintain improvements once one has finished treating certain infections??

Dr. Klimas has seen an 85% response rate to Immunovir biologically, and it can generally double up NK cell functioning. She obtains pharmaceutical grade Immunovir from Canada Newport Pharmaceuticals and a similar and cheaper over-the-counter preparation called Inosine is available in the US. Anecdotally she doesn’t think she’s getting as good a response from Inosine. Equilibriant – includes mushroom extracts that enhanced NK function in Chinese studies. Got lots of stuff in there. - See more at: http://simmaronresearch.com/2013/07...e-ii-talking-treatments/#sthash.DY9BPaph.dpuf

http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/diagnosis/cheneyis.html Mentions immunovir and pine cone extract.


Senior Member
But do all these listed companies require a prescription?

Always a hard question to answer. Some pharmacies say in their FAQ or info page that they do not require a prescription, and that's straightforward. However, others say they do, but in fact that's just for appearances sake, because in practice they don't ask customers for it. And yet others say they do, and they really do.


Heapsreal, so combining Immunovir with antivirals or antibiotics yields better results? I was reading that certain probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus GG (Culturelle) or Saccharomyces Boulardii (this is more yeast than bacteria) are good to add while on antibiotics. I'm not quite sure what the real reason is behind this but I'm guessing it adds up or promote bacteria in the gut while antibiotics is doing its job.

Hip, some online pharmacies really do fuss about a prescription. If you leave the prescription fill in the blanks part out or the prescribing doctor's information, your order won't get processed. I haven't tried with the companies mentioned on this thread but another websites I have. Maybe they all function differently. Then again brandmedicines has them cheaper.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@eon The pharmacies Heapsreal and I have mentioned do not require an rx, never asked for one and they don't ask during checkout.

BTW, I ordered Pince Cone, I should have it next week.


which pine cone extract product are you all taking? I wonder how other "pine" products would be beneficial? I do eat pine nuts. I've taken Pine supplements (this probably isn't from the cone). I wonder what Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) is all about. I think this is from the French Maritime Pine genus.


I'm curious if inosine is stimulating considering it is used as a "pre workout" supplement?

Dr De Meirleir and Dr Cheney feel that taking inosine alone instead of Imunovir provides equally good results.

Inosine is an inexpensive dietary supplement available without prescription, so this makes it cheaper and easier to take inosine rather than the drug Imunovir.

See inosine at iHerb.

Here are some places that you can buy Imunovir:


Which Pine Cone product did you get?

Any experience with Epicor too?

@eon The pharmacies Heapsreal and I have mentioned do not require an rx, never asked for one and they don't ask during checkout.

BTW, I ordered Pince Cone, I should have it next week.


Senior Member
I get my Imunovir from Canada Pharmacy Online. (You have to fax them a prescription, which my doctor supplies).


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Ive just sourced a supplier through IndiaMart. Many suppliers of different meds are very cheap. 500 isoprinosine/immunovir 500tabs for $10. Rediculously cheap so when i recieve my order i will post who the supplier is. Postage is 30-40 bucks.

I guess many meds are cheap in india because wages are low plus many medications are made in India so i guess competition is high. The raw ingredients for isoprinosine are cheap. Most countries get meds from india or china and then put a big mark up on these items.



Senior Member
Ive just sourced a supplier through IndiaMart. Many suppliers of different meds are very cheap. 500 isoprinosine/immunovir 500tabs for $10. Rediculously cheap so when i recieve my order i will post who the supplier is. Postage is 30-40 bucks.

I guess many meds are cheap in india because wages are low plus many medications are made in India so i guess competition is high. The raw ingredients for isoprinosine are cheap. Most countries get meds from india or china and then put a big mark up on these items.


How did your order transpire?


Just to update. I couldn’t tolerate immunovir so ended up raising my NKs very successfully by using life extension Nk cell activator ( by stopping fish oil too). Doctor does not want me to stop the fish oil, but I reduced inflammation another way ( diet restrictions) and conscious balancing of omega 3, 6,9