When will the NHS update its news page on XMRV ?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Our UK health service, NHS, has failed to update its news page on the positive study!:confused:

Here is there last update......

Im sure the NHS has a duty to report the new Alter finding???

Here is there older article from October...http://www.nhs.uk/news/2009/10october/pages/does-a-virus-cause-me.aspx

The UK media have said that they didn't report the 'Alter paper' because they weren't at there desks when the story broke,

Quote ME association UK:
The US press conference at 8pm UK time did not fit in with their working arrangements for printing something on Tuesday and the findings would be 'old news' by Wednesday.

BUT it doesn't explain why the National Health Service in the UK, haven't reported the new findings from the FDA/NIH on there website?

It is of course possible the NHS weren't at there desks either when the news broke? and so they also no nothing about the FDA/NIH paper ? :D (I think that's unlikely!)

*what happened to 24 hour media/news?


Player in a Greek Tragedy
Matlock, Derbyshire, Uk
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

This reminds me of that classic poster with the three monkeys sitting together, hands over eyes, ears and mouth with the caption
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

In their eyes we must be truly evil !

:Retro mad:


Senior Member
Sth Australia
sounds like they need to be emailed to let them know, seeing they were away at the time (playing golf or whatever the health professions and well off do in your country).

dont you guys have 24hr reporters?? sounds a very very weird system ...

i got hold of tv reporters in Australia when the news was breaking here and it was at 2.00am and 4.00am in the morning... TV stations have reporters on call 24hrs per day.

Then as far as i know they did then listen to that XMRV report which was given to the news reporters. (interesting i was the only one who rang them thou they were 2 of our main news stations (they said that)... maybe no one in your country did ring and it came down to that too?? It didnt make the news here but at least i think it did bring it to reporters attention more (so maybe next person who rings will get paid even more attention too.. had more people rang them... maybe it would of been viewed as important enough to be on the news).

Your health service needs a kick!

I guess you guys have the same issue as us in Australia, no where to get XMRV tested. (im going to start pushing hard for that soon).


Senior Member
Then as far as i know they did then listen to that XMRV report which was given to the news reporters. (interesting i was the only one who rang them thou they were 2 of our main news stations (they said that)... maybe no one in your country did ring and it came down to that too??

People repeated e-mailed and called, but it feel on deaf ears. One health editor of a major newspaper was quite rude and said she had already spoken to Prof Myra McClure. Needless to say nothing was reported about Alter's research. Every story that is reported in the U.K. or broadcast by the BBC, I understand, has to be approved by Prof Wessely, in this case his chum McClure. The press here are very wary about printing anything about M.E., hence the apparent news blackout.

Your health service needs a kick!

It needs more than that! :tear:


Senior Member
Careful, you know how reporters like to cover CFS patients:

"Militant CFSers Promote Crackpot Conspiracy Theory that Lazy Journalists Ignore Complicated but Important Stories"


Senior Member
The other side.
ah - the old MCFSPCCTTLJICBINS conspiracy theory again lol

when will the NHS get off it's butt and actually treat people who dont have obvious issues e.g. legs hanging off, large holes where holes shouldn't be, extreme leakage of vital organs, axes in heads, too many heads etc? when it's cost effective would be my answer - which leads to a supplimental bonus question - to which the answer is when everywhere else in the world has done the work and and the market is big enough so that any drugs/treatments required are cheap

until then forget about it - the best we can hope for is to get the DWP off our backs


Senior Member
Watch them all back down now. U.S ongoing findings will wake them up.