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when will it get better???


Senior Member
i had to go get two prescriptions today and it wore me out....im so tired and hurting so bad..think its from cold weather...i just wish we all could have some good days...

im going to put on muscle rubs and heating pad and take medications and lay down...i didnt do anything much at all but i feel like ive been hit by a truck...


Senior Member
So sorry you're feeling so bad. Much sympathy, and best wishes to you.

I don't want to foist unsolicited advice on you, but my heart breaks that you're hurting so much too. I know how impossibly hard that can seem, but is there any possible way that you could reduce the number of things you're doing? It sounds like you're pushing yourself to the limits (and a bit beyond) of what your body can handle. And in my experience, it's almost impossible to heal at all until that changes (as crazy hard as that can be). Going out for a short errand may have not been "anything much at all" in your healthy life, but it might be something you're just not healthy enough to do now. If you're anything like me, I'm sure you feel like you're already doing less than the minimum and couldn't possibly cut anything else. But it's much better to cut things and give yourself a chance to heal than to wait until the illness progresses further and you have no choice but to find a way to cut them anyway but don't then get the benefit. Take it from someone who drove herself into the ground doing "nothing much at all."

Again, I realize fully how impossible it can seem to let certain things go or to find ways around them, but I will tell you that I started improving much more rapidly once I stopped ever pushing myself to the point that I felt worn out like that (at least knowingly - it still happens now and then unexpectedly). The difference was huge. Truly, I think consistent rest is absolutely critical to recovery from this.

I hope that things improve for you soon. It's a terrible thing for anyone to have to go through.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
but is there any possible way that you could reduce the number of things you're doing?

hurtingallthetime, I've been thinking, every time I read your threads or blog, the same thing as Sparrow. Your body is telling you that you are doing too much, and you take the risk of ending up bedbound. I don't know where you live and what social services might be available through the government or from volunteer organization. I don't know what help friends or family might be willing to offer. Can food and prescriptions be delivered? Are your children old enough to take on more household chores? And your husband? You don't have to answer here -- save your energy.

I feel bad for you. Take care.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi, i agree wholeheartedly with Sparrow and Merry. I thought i couldnt possibly do any less (4 kids at home then) but in the end i gave in, and rested and rested and rested and did nothing else unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary. Now my body is able to save some of its energy to heal and i am slowly slowly getting bit by bit better.
Have you tried pacing and agressive rest therapy (ART)?
Please do take care of yourself, Justy.


Senior Member
thanks for the replies and advice..i guess i feel like i already do very little...but seems like the smallest of things wear me out so easily...ive not done anything else today since picking up the prescriptions...its just so hard when i use to be so active and its hard when things need done...havent heard of ART i will look that up
thanks again


Senior Member
Sorry you're feeling so bad Hurtingallthetime. Is the pain from fibro or CFS, or both?

Have you done any reading on pacing yourself? Pacing has helped me a lot.
Also figuring out how much I can do before I aggravate my symptoms and then making sure to try to do less than that.
Also an "activity sandwich" which is sandwiching activity with rest on both sides. Like if you plan to go out, lay down and rest before you go and also when you return home. Also if you plan to go out one day then rest up the whole day or two before and the day or two after. Figure out how much time you need between outings so you don't trigger symptoms. Like I'll try to schedule things to be one appointment every 2-3 weeks at most. The rest of the time I'm at home. When I'm in a better phase, then I can do a bit more. When I'm already in a period of not feeling well I do even less. Things like that. Maybe it would be good to start a thread on tips for pacing and such, if it's not something you're familiar with, maybe you'd get some useful tips.

I hope you get lots of rest and feel much better very soon. :hug:


Senior Member
thanks again for the replies and advice...i do pace myself if i do anything while at home chores...i do a little lay down do a little so on..i take medications to take edge off pain and anxiety and that helps...i just really really really hate the way life has gotten...i hate being this ill and i keep getting worse..its the fibro/cfs plus alot of other issues...i miss work as ive said...i miss being independent and doing multi task..i know that it somethhing i need to leearn to live with and move on and i do see a counserlour and psych doctor for these issues...i was very optimistic when first diagnosed most didnt believe in fibro/cfs and that included some doctors etc. and i figured if they didnt beilieve in it and acted like it was nothing worse than a snotty nose at most then hey it couldnt be that bad...

but as time goes on i am able to do less and less...i have accepted it more than i did..i think...and with the doctor giving me a pain medication that takes the edge off better than anything has in along time that helps alot..i just need to accept it more but its very hard when so little is known about these illness and i never thoguth id be home bound and this ill..

my pharmacy has drivethru but i dont use it...i have certain things that bring alot of anxiety and get overwhelmed i know that may sound crazy to a normal person..but i just dont use the drive thru and i htink it would bring more stress..ive used it if hubby drives thru and it is quicker at times..but i dont konw i just have such a fear of driving and a fear of driving using the drive thru...i thought aobut mail order and have asked pharmacy to explain several times but i never fully understand and ive treid to read up on it and dont understand i get overwhelmed so easily..

as i siad i am working with several doctors so hopefully i will make progress...i did some i was able to go to a few garage sales which i use to love love love before becoming ill...and at one of my doctors urging i did it again i think twice..but it was a big deal being by myself with all the social phobias but afterwards as uisual i was wiped out...


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi again, it took me a long time and a lot of pain before i learnt to really slow down. There is so much grief that comes with having M.E/CFS and it can take a lot of time and some big adjustments, physically AND mentally. For me i had a LOT of anxiety issues when i was still overdoing it. It wasnt until i saw my test results with an ability scale on it from Dr Myhill that i realised how ill i was. I thought i was running at about a 5 on the PR activity scale when in reality i was at about a 2 or3 at the most. I thought i was moderate to mildly affected but was really modearate to severe. The constant pushing through was causing me to live on adrenaline, which depleted my adrenals very seriously and caiused a lot of anxiety issues.
I finally learnt that slowing down might mean, getting up, showering, eating breakfast, going back to bed and then maybe one other main chore in the day such as hanging out washing or unpacking the dishwasher. I coulod cook half a meal, but never make it all the way through without collapsing with pain and exhaustion. What did i do? i gave in to it, i realised i could never hope to get better pushing through, i took pacing and resting very seriously. Now my level is up to about a 4 and still slowly improving. i Hve days where i dont feel that ill. Im still mainly housebound, but can go out a few times a week with someone with me and can go out for whole days out with my kids and husband if i rest in advance.
The things that have helped me the most have been
Seeing an M.E/CFS doctor
B12 injections
Herbs from a medical herbalist
acceptance (but not giving in)

Things can get better, but the most important thing is that you must stop pushing through and give your body a chance to heal.
sending :hug:
Justy. (Lecture over now)