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When To Start Gc MAF


Senior Member
I am about to start Gc MAF. Does anyone have an opinion on whether it is best to start during a crash versus when doing a bit better? Should it help me out of a crash, or would it add to the crash, perhaps overloading me?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I am about to start Gc MAF. Does anyone have an opinion on whether it is best to start during a crash versus when doing a bit better? Should it help me out of a crash, or would it add to the crash, perhaps overloading me?


That is unfortunately an unknown...but whenever you start, I'd try a very low dose first to see how you respond. When you inject it, there is a whole week ahead where you won't be able to change your mind on the dose you gave.

If you feel like coming on chat to discuss this more with some of us who are taking it, most welcome.

Best wishes,