This is a great thread and something that I have been thinking about alot lately. I don't feel like my doctor wil advise it, but I am already struggling when I'm in stores to be able to stand and walk as required. Pyschologically, I'm having a hard time taking this step. I'm not even sure how to go about getting a wheelchair in the US. Can someone advise me?
Do I have to get a doctor to write a script for it? And then would insurance pay for some of it? Are the outrageously expensive? Are most people using a power chair or one that they have to push themselves? I don't have the strength to wheel myself around manually I don't think....
If you just want to buy one, you don't need a script.....if you want your insurance to cover it you may need one
I didn't know if I would be strong enough to wheel myself very well either but no way could I afford a scooter , esp given that I woudl then need a device to attacht it to the outside of my car; however, the chair I got is super lightweight and wheeling it around is extrmely easy.....getting it in and out of the car is hard, though
I think your first step should be to check with your insurance to see what their policy is re wheelcahisr, bc if they will coevr it the may limit the amt they will pay, the type they will cover, need to know that before you do anythign else
if they will pay they also may have some suggestions re finding the rt one for you......if not, it is really all about research bc absolutely every last little component on a chair can come in a variety of materials, sizes, etc (for exp just looking at the big back wheels: the tire itself comes in several types of materials and a couple of grips, in air filled, and solid rubber, and air filled but not able to leak/blow out, the spokes come in different materials and designs, the handgrip comes in different materials, and then there is the size of the wheel and how much tilt you want on the wheels - angling them a bit helps a ton with maneuverability........and like i said that is just the back wheel, every componemt has more than one option)
........once I knew that medicare would not coevr mine I started looking up online just to see what's out there, and I tried to find a store nearby where I coudl actually try things out (there was no store so the whole process was a lot more challenging)
.....then I started researching each separate compnoent and trying to determine what woudl last the longest, be the lightest, fit in my car, fit me, etc......then I also ordered several catalogs and looked thru them......them I called the place that had the chair I decided woudl be best adn spent a ton of time on the phone asking mroe questions (which I had written down ahead of time) and finding out how to measure for each part......then I measured, had someone else meaure me, and remeasured a couple of mroe times (measuring is not as easy as it seems and when you are speong money on somethign liek this you want it to be rt)
anyway, that is the process i went thru.....if you have someone to help push and get it in and out of the car, and if you are not in a lot of pain, you could get a more basic chair and maybe not have to deal with all that
also you will most likely need some help when it comes if it is customized at all, bc things will need adjusted and put together and simply getting the parts out of the box was very difficutl for me