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What's your experience with tonsillectomy and surgery-anasthetics?

Amersfoort, Netherlands
Hello all,

next week my tonsils will be removed because of returning throat infections. I have two questions:

Does anybody have experience (good or bad) with this operation wile having ME/CFS?

Does anybody have experience (good or bad) with the anasthetic agents necessary for this operation?

I took the guidelines for surgery on CFS patients with me, and the anesthetic agreed to use a muscle relaxator that doesn't release histamine. I hope that will help. The nightmare stories about anasthetics and ME/CFS kind of scare me, but maybe I don't have to worry so much cause it's a 'light' operation? I will be gone for twenty minutes.

Anybody who is willing to share his/her thoughts or experiences is very much appreciated. Pardon my crummy English please. Bye bye!



Senior Member
Me, my mom, and my brother all started having CFS after surgery with the wrong anesthesia (the usual kind that they give people).

For my brother's last surgery he had the non-hepatic anesthesia (the right kind for CFS according to those guidelines). He had no problems with the anesthesia. Non-hepatic means it doesn't get processed through the liver.

So if you stick with those guidelines, I think you will be ok.
Amersfoort, Netherlands
I checked it and luckily they don't use that on me. They say those kind of anasthetics are almost out of use nowadays. Did those incidents with you and your family happen a long time ago?


senior member
Concord, NH
When were you diagnosed? Early on in my illness, I have been sick for 7 years now, I remember a doctor saying something about having my tonsils removed to "help?" with my sore throat. Never heard it mentioned again, so glad I did not have them removed.

The Nation CFIDS Association in Massachusetts, USA has info on this subject.



Southern USA
I have had several surgeries with my CFS over the years. I did fine. Prepare the way you want to and then try to relax. It can make you nervous I know.


Senior Member
yes i have had a surgery during the time i have been sick as well & had no complications. just be sure they are aware of your health history & tell them of your concerns. i admit the idea of having a surgery again bothers me a bit as well due to the stories i have heard. but i did not have a problem with my back surgery 8 years ago. at the time i was unaware that i was sick & so of course didn't mention it.
I have just got the surgery for my tonsils and the surgeon gave me some other anaesthesia for this operation. I don't know about it exactly but after completion of operation when I wake up I was in too bad condition. Constantly omitting and the surgeon told that it would be because of the anaesthesia which was given to me. After three hours I got recovery from this problem.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I had gallbladder surgery in 2008 and had no problems at all with anesthesia..at the time I had been diagnosed with Lyme and adrenal insufficiency so the anesthesologist gave me a shot of 25mg of hydrocortosone before surgery. My surgery was pretty quick also and I think I was only in recover an hour or so and then they got me dressed and I went home. No complications at all from the anesthesia. I am pretty sure they gave me propofol . I honestly had no trouble at all with this...
Had tonsils out several years ago. No big problems with surgery really or anesthesia. The most miserable thing for me was taking pain medications afterwards which fogged me more. I live in the nebulous world between awake and asleep and not being able to work or "have" to do things makes me very helpless, frustrated and depressed. Just be prepared that it takes a while to bounce back regardless how you normally function. It is almost more annoying 7-10 days after compared to 2-3 days after. I had a UPPP to relieve snoring also which makes it a more unpleasant surgery though. Good Luck. I don't think anesthesiolgy needs to do anything differently.