Whatever happend to dr martin??

Dr. Martin,
Please allow me to inform my fellow CFIDS patients of some very real facts:
In the following NBC News report, from the Los Angeles NBC affiliate (see "Disease or deception"; NBC Nightly News; Los Angeles, California; Team 4 TV Investigative Report by Ana Garcia on Dr. W. John Martin and stealth viruses; February 13, 2003), Dr. Brian Mahy, who is a senior scientist with the National Center for Infectious Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), stated the following about stealth viruses in the NBC News television interview: "There's no such virus that's been validated or shown to be true." In this same interview, Dr. Shirley Fannin, head of the Disease Control Unit of the L.A. County Health Department, stated that the stealth virus "doesn't exist.

This news report would certainly imply that you have a scientific credibility problem with the CDC and other major health agencies. This credibility problem was NOT created by ANY patient group. If patients
have any doubt regarding this information then I would encourage them to directly contact the NBC affiliate in L.A. as they can provide the newsreel!


Senior Member

I'm not sure why you think patients would be interested in the CDC's opinion on anything related to CFS given their track record.

Wouldn't trust the CDC to be the judge on any virus related to this disease.

You may be saying something but using a news report that quotes the CDC isn't going to help your argument.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
yes the cdc and other anti cfs organisation try to squeeze researchers of cfs out of the game which is what they have tried to do to Dr Martin and now they are doing to WPI. They successfully got rid of defreitus.
Thank ukxmrv and heapsreal,
Beachlover1957 seemingly wants to justify a rather vindictive 2003 internet posting by the National CFIDS Foundation (NCF) concerning my research. He or she quotes Dr. Brian Mahy of CDC in a 2003 television interview as stating about stealth viruses "There's no such virus that's been validated or shown to be true."
Let me reassure readers that I had repeatedly tried to involve CDC in early studies on stealth adapted viruses. As part of this effort, I conducted a 2002 IRB approved study on culturing stealth adapted viruses from blood donors at the University of California, Irvine. The CDC chose to sidestep the implications of this and other studies, especially those relating to simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV) origin of some stealth adapted viruses. The NCF offensive internet posting has been a long-standing additional major disservice to the research and should be removed.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Thank ukxmrv and heapsreal,
Beachlover1957 seemingly wants to justify a rather vindictive 2003 internet posting by the National CFIDS Foundation (NCF) concerning my research. He or she quotes Dr. Brian Mahy of CDC in a 2003 television interview as stating about stealth viruses "There's no such virus that's been validated or shown to be true."
Let me reassure readers that I had repeatedly tried to involve CDC in early studies on stealth adapted viruses. As part of this effort, I conducted a 2002 IRB approved study on culturing stealth adapted viruses from blood donors at the University of California, Irvine. The CDC chose to sidestep the implications of this and other studies, especially those relating to simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV) origin of some stealth adapted viruses. The NCF offensive internet posting has been a long-standing additional major disservice to the research and should be removed.

Stealth adapted viruses as in herpes viruses that im going to refer to, is this why montoya is saying antibody titres arent always of value, i think lerner might also be heading down this track as well. SO could they be refering to stealth adapted viruses which possibly wouldnt show elevated titre levels or other immune responses as the viruses are now able to avoid the immune system??

Thank ukxmrv and heapsreal,
Beachlover1957 seemingly wants to justify a rather vindictive 2003 internet posting by the National CFIDS Foundation (NCF) concerning my research. He or she quotes Dr. Brian Mahy of CDC in a 2003 television interview as stating about stealth viruses "There's no such virus that's been validated or shown to be true."
Let me reassure readers that I had repeatedly tried to involve CDC in early studies on stealth adapted viruses. As part of this effort, I conducted a 2002 IRB approved study on culturing stealth adapted viruses from blood donors at the University of California, Irvine. The CDC chose to sidestep the implications of this and other studies, especially those relating to simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV) origin of some stealth adapted viruses. The NCF offensive internet posting has been a long-standing additional major disservice to the research and should be removed.

As a 30+ year patient myself, I find this quite interesting:
From NBC4's "Disease Or Deception" -
Last August, after an inspection of (Dr. W. John) Martin's practices, the government shut down his lab because of "immediate jeopardy" and ordered him to "cease and desist." Team Four Reports has learned Martin's federal lab certificate was suspended and his state license was revoked. The reports cite dozens of violations, including failure to maintain records and throwing out blood samples. The CDC says Martin's actions border on fraudulent activity. "He tested at least 650 patients a year according to federal records, 1,000 people a year according to state records ... I think it's quite dangerous if he's actually seeing that many patients," said Mahy.


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
Dr. Martin,
Please allow me to inform my fellow CFIDS patients of some very real facts:
In the following NBC News report, from the Los Angeles NBC affiliate (see "Disease or deception"; NBC Nightly News; Los Angeles, California; Team 4 TV Investigative Report by Ana Garcia on Dr. W. John Martin and stealth viruses; February 13, 2003), Dr. Brian Mahy, who is a senior scientist with the National Center for Infectious Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), stated the following about stealth viruses in the NBC News television interview: "There's no such virus that's been validated or shown to be true." In this same interview, Dr. Shirley Fannin, head of the Disease Control Unit of the L.A. County Health Department, stated that the stealth virus "doesn't exist.

This news report would certainly imply that you have a scientific credibility problem with the CDC and other major health agencies. This credibility problem was NOT created by ANY patient group. If patients
have any doubt regarding this information then I would encourage them to directly contact the NBC affiliate in L.A. as they can provide the newsreel!

Ah, yes, the CDC. The agency who in 1996 told the news program Nightline that (1) there is no viral cause for CFS, (2) there are no immune system abnormalities in patients with CFS, and (3) there are no clusters, and (4) that the Incline Village illness was hysteria.
Here's a link to the video: http://vimeo.com/13048135

If you want to make a point to well-informed ME/CFS patients, you'll need to cite better evidence than quotations from CDC representatives. Perhaps it's best to let patients read Dr Martin's papers and judge for themselves. Or at least, argue the merit of his research, rather than quoting sources with almost no credibility concerning this disease.
If Martin's federal lab certificate was suspended and his state license was revoked and he received a Warning Letter from the Public Health Office of the FDA regarding IRB's, (see: http://www.casewatch.org/fdawarning/rsch/martin.shtml ), I personally think that this is important stuff to know about a research scientist who certainly has a theory about our disease. As an
example, if this was the news about Judy Mikovits, and not Martin, wouldn't you want to know? Does it matter? I happen
to think it does.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
If Martin's federal lab certificate was suspended and his state license was revoked and he received a Warning Letter from the Public Health Office of the FDA regarding IRB's, (see: http://www.casewatch.org/fdawarning/rsch/martin.shtml ), I personally think that this is important stuff to know about a research scientist who certainly has a theory about our disease. As an
example, if this was the news about Judy Mikovits, and not Martin, wouldn't you want to know? Does it matter? I happen
to think it does.

The bottom line is anyone who has a viral theory for cfs is going to be stamped out. Maybe look at dr sarah myhill in the UK, they wanted to revoke her licence too. I think if the authorities are trying hard to get rid of someone, then maybe that someone is close to finding the answer. How long will it take before they try to stop Judy mikovits from working????? History repeats its self.

beachlover, you sound like you have an axe to grind, did something personal happen to you? My understanding was his research licence was suspended and dr martin didnt or couldnt be bothered to fight the claim as the authorities has already trashed his name. I believe he still works as a doctor.



iherb code TAK122
Heaps I totally agree, we aren't stupid enough to believe that there wasn't an ulterior motive, the authorities will go after any doctor who isn't working according to their script, we know what their game is, after all we are the ones who have suffered because of it, we are grateful to and will keep on supporting people like Dr Martin, Sarah Myhill etc.
There's no axe to grind here. I have never met nor ever talked to Dr. Martin. I have read his published papers and have perused his many patents. Like many other PWC's, I try to keep up with all the literature. Several of my friends either saw
Dr. Martin or had testing done by him many years ago during the Osler's Web era.