hey could you describe what's involved in your trigger point injections? Who does the injections? Cost involvement? What do they inject? How much relief and for how long does it occur? Etc. I'd love to know.
the last 15 years I think I've gotten three of those fair canes -- and I've never had any help from them -- but maybe I just wasn't using them enough. Did they help you?
Not much involved. I see a physiatrist (physical medicine rehab people) and they do only so many injections per visit. I have had them done at a few places, 1st place was at a hospital and they did a very poor job, I have/had back pain and they would not even feel around for the points!
I then went to a Pain clinic and they felt around for them, and my pain was reduced, but I ran out of funds and stopped for the year (2010). I reloaded my funds at the beginning of this year and found a place closer, only 15 mins instead of an hour drive, and I have had injections on average of 1 visit per month, they want to see you about every 2 weeks at first. I have a nurse practitioner do the injections usually, but sometimes the Dr. (I have an appt next Tuesday).
I have insurance so my costs are only $30/visit. I don't recall what they inject but one of the drugs is some *caine drug I believe. I can feel the trigger point release when they do the injection, and they are not interested in injecitons if the muscle does not spasm with injection, the non-spasming indicates that the trigger point is not active and they do not do injections on such sites. I haven't had an injection for over 1 month now and I think the injections last about a month or so, not sure if it is the same with everyone, but I would imagine there is some variability. I also have been getting massages and myofascial releases!
PS Sorry the cane does not work for you, but a lady that runs a support group that I go to loves her's! I was thinking of ordering at least 1.