Hi Ginger
I'm not even sure what I mean myself! I just worry that somewhere along the line one of his docs or the social work department may say they don't feel another doc outside the jurisdiction can offer anything new and might just decide to block it. Doctors sometimes don't like to be challenged.....
Ultimately he is in the care of the State and they get the final say. Mind you, I did hedge my bets a while ago and applied for 'enhanced rights' through the courts which I was granted. This means I can make medical decisions for him so maybe I'm just worrying about nothing. If they tried to remove him I would go to court immediately to try and prevent them. The social workers are very supportive so I guess I shouldn't worry too much at this stage.
The other thing that worries me is trying to make a case to them for funding this or at least part funding it. I have had to reduce my hours from 40 to 11 per week over the past 18 months to be able to look after him so money is tight enough. The only chance of getting them on board financially would be to have a fairly watertight case that this trip would produce something that couldn't be produced here in Ireland and I'm already fretting over how I could make that case given the fact that I don't understand the names of some of the tests never mind what they might turn up
Also from what I've seen so far, I'd say its hard enough to get clear info or support from KDM in order to make that case. He's just too busy to be asking him for that level of support.
Then there is the ongoing treatment, if recommended. Could I access it here in Ireland? Most likely not. I'm following @
RML journey and she is having to relocate there for three months to get treatment. I simply couldnt afford to do that.
Maybe I'm worrying about too much too soon and I should just take each step at a time. My head is melted with it all.
Oh, by the way, the public medical system here is called the HSE (Health Service Executive)