I've been struggling with a painful gut after eating for years. The only time it's ever better is when I'm on a juice fast and not taking any solid food. But almost all solid food causes irritation (while certain foods cause extra irritation probably due to sensitivies). I've been adding supplements gradually over the past two months, and to my amazement the gut pain is starting to improve dramatically in the past week. Because I've added so many supplements in the past two months (some of them two months ago, some of them more recently), it's not clear which ones might be responsible for the improvement (or what combinations might be doing it). I want to list everything I've added and the order in which I added it, and I'm interested to know if someone here might identify something that seems likely to have an effect on the gut.
This is the stuff I've added, roughly in order in which I added it (it was approximately one new thing every week).
This is the stuff I've added, roughly in order in which I added it (it was approximately one new thing every week).
- magnesium supplementation was the first thing I did. First 400 mg/day and then 800 mg/day. I actually noticed an improvement within the first week after starting the magnesium, but then it shifted and seemed unclear if it was really any different (while in the past week it is finally very clear things are different).
- vitamin C (up to 3 g/day)
- fish oils (equivalent to 3 g of DHA daily)
- dibencozide (1.25 mg every few days)
- lithium orotate (working up gradually to 60 mg/day -- this stuff works wonders for my mood)
- DHEA (25 mg every few days)
- Jarrow B-right
- phophatidylserine (this is the most recent addition--about 200 mg/day starting just four days ago)