What ?s to ask OZ research team...visit to us.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Hi everyone.
Sonia Marshall who is in charge of the Australian Bond Uni research into a test for diagnosing CFS will be coming to our group next week. Her research up to date has been in Neuropeptides.

She told my friend she has had some break throughs in a marker. Now with the new XMRV findings she may be able to piggy back on this result. They have $2,000,000 to play with. We will be donating blood and will have to go for 30 mins every 6 mths to be part of the research.

I would like any of you to let me know what specific questions you would like me to ask her. I am brain dead at the moment.

Keep them short if you can as there will be limited time.
I don't really know what questions might be good, but it doesn't seem to make sense to focus on anything except XMRV.

Could they do one of the follow up studies to try to confirm the WPI study with an Australian sample base?



Ok... I think I remember that Prof. Garth Nicolson had said in a video clip that AIDS patients do not die from their retrovirus alone. The reason why AIDS patients die is due to bacterial infections, along with the viral infections.

So I'm wondering if these researchers are concerned about bacterial infections in CFS patients ? It seems like we are just focusing on the viral infections.

Thank you,



Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Thanks Catch,
I am trying to recover from a UTI infection without drugs at the moment so hope I make it there but will put forth your Questions anyway. I do know she is going to be collaborating with WPI and she has already found some good markers for a CFS test.

Yes I am curious about the Garth Nicholson theory of Mycoplasma infections...which I have tested positive. Treating the XMRV virus alone will not kill mycoplasma bacteria....where to after that.