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What reliably seems to work for me..

Hi all, I am quite mild, though I still do crash, have blunted emotions, body temp regulation issues, etc.

I am able to work 3-4 times a week and work out vigorously.

if I introduce a new mental or physical task, I will crash, and if i recover and try again I can usually keep increasing the threshold required to not crash.

with workouts- it seems the crash comes 2 days after, which with delayed onset muscle soreness, you’re always the sorest on day 2. I assume maybe it’s creating-kinase mechanism, blood-flow issue, or my brain doesn’t produce a chemical that exercise gives.

anyway, I’m not advocating you exercise, it’s just what seems to bring me up a bit.

I take this supplement fasted, then after an acitivity I take a whey protein supplement, after this hours or so I’ll consume a meal with carbs and that’s when I usually need to sleep and start feeling it.

however, a little bit after taking this supplement, I feel my brain working, my veins becomes more visible it feels like my body “sucks up” whatever is in this and I can function decent again.

photo below of its ingredients:



Senior Member
Hi all, I am quite mild, though I still do crash, have blunted emotions, body temp regulation issues, etc.

I am able to work 3-4 times a week and work out vigorously.

if I introduce a new mental or physical task, I will crash, and if i recover and try again I can usually keep increasing the threshold required to not crash.

with workouts- it seems the crash comes 2 days after, which with delayed onset muscle soreness, you’re always the sorest on day 2. I assume maybe it’s creating-kinase mechanism, blood-flow issue, or my brain doesn’t produce a chemical that exercise gives.

anyway, I’m not advocating you exercise, it’s just what seems to bring me up a bit.

I take this supplement fasted, then after an acitivity I take a whey protein supplement, after this hours or so I’ll consume a meal with carbs and that’s when I usually need to sleep and start feeling it.

however, a little bit after taking this supplement, I feel my brain working, my veins becomes more visible it feels like my body “sucks up” whatever is in this and I can function decent again.

photo below of its ingredients:

View attachment 44618

I think whats happening is that having low neurotransmitters, specifically dopamine, and this is a co morbid of your condition. You actually sound a lot like me but I can't tolerate working out like that.

So basically you are fixing one of the things your brain notices. Taking tyrosine was magic for me for a little while but it eventually stopped working. I hope this keeps working for you but just be aware that it might stop working at some point.

In this case the AAKG is causing vasodilation and increased blood flow to the brain. Your brain is also getting dopamine precursors and thats what you are feeling.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hmm that's alot or caffiene and tyrosine. Both of which crash me. They down regulate other neurotransmitters (tyrosine) and caffiene just crashes my adrenals.

You will feel amazing for awhile but on its own probably isn't enough. Not sure how long you've been on it though?

Folic acid is ok but some need folate and don't do well with folic. As I've recently experienced over the last 3 months b vitamin's have so many co factors. When your body runs low on one you will begin to feel pretty shit and it's extremely difficult to unpick which co factors has gone awry.

Very pleased it works for you though be interested to know how long you've been on it :)
I think whats happening is that having low neurotransmitters, specifically dopamine, and this is a co morbid of your condition. You actually sound a lot like me but I can't tolerate working out like that.

So basically you are fixing one of the things your brain notices. Taking tyrosine was magic for me for a little while but it eventually stopped working. I hope this keeps working for you but just be aware that it might stop working at some point.

In this case the AAKG is causing vasodilation and increased blood flow to the brain. Your brain is also getting dopamine precursors and thats what you are feeling.

Hi! I’ve been using this 3x a week for about 3-4 years now, but only on days where I am moving physically, it seems to do it, sometimes almost can Induce a hyper-mania state lol

reliably- cardio causes less of an issue than weightlifting.

This all started After a horrible 2 day illness with high fever, I wonder how that could cause blood restriction to the brain?

How active are you?
Hmm that's alot or caffiene and tyrosine. Both of which crash me. They down regulate other neurotransmitters (tyrosine) and caffiene just crashes my adrenals.

You will feel amazing for awhile but on its own probably isn't enough. Not sure how long you've been on it though?

Folic acid is ok but some need folate and don't do well with folic. As I've recently experienced over the last 3 months b vitamin's have so many co factors. When your body runs low on one you will begin to feel pretty shit and it's extremely difficult to unpick which co factors has gone awry.

Very pleased it works for you though be interested to know how long you've been on it :)

hi! Well- it has to be paired with some sort of activity or else I feel like I just came down from a panic attack- paired with movement-euphoric energetic

Ironically- if I do no activity I regress badly. I don’t know if that’s POTs which exercise can help, but I literally feel like death if I do not move.

Do too much-crash-do activity-get out of crash-do too little-regress-do activity-feel great-do too much-crash

goes like that for me lol


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Interesting so you take it 3 times in the week? Maybe that's why you don't end up over stimulated or depleted but you still get benefit.

I'm currently experiencing far worsened brain fog. Effecting my ability to work. This stuff would sort that I bet ha!

Blood flow to the brain seems extremely important. I've been looking for an alternative. Which compound do you think does the brain flow enhancement?


The Ingredients Sound like a" Body Builder Energy Boost" Supplement.
Creatine creates atp, beta Alaine and Alpha keto also strong Energy Builder.
Interesting so you take it 3 times in the week? Maybe that's why you don't end up over stimulated or depleted but you still get benefit.

I'm currently experiencing far worsened brain fog. Effecting my ability to work. This stuff would sort that I bet ha!

Blood flow to the brain seems extremely important. I've been looking for an alternative. Which compound do you think does the brain flow enhancement?

i was honestly thinking it’s the N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine

but maybe the person above is right about the AAKG.

Interestingly enough any b-vitamins taken while crashed make me worse


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Rather than AAKG, maybe the creatine nitrate could be the more beneficial supplement component;

[ Athletic performance:
In a study (DB-RCT), 48 healthy and active men were either given a low or high creatine nitrate dose (1.5g, 3g), high dose of creatine monohydrate (3g), or placebo for 28 days. Participants who received a high dose of creatine nitrate could bench press a greater weight than participants who received the placebo, thus improving overall exercise performance [10]. In another study (DB-RCT) on 28 men and women, taking creatine nitrate for 6-days increased weight lifted in bench and leg press exercises. It also improved exercise performance and endurance [11].

In combination with other supplements:
In a study (DB-RCT), 25 healthy and active participants received creatine nitrate in a pre-workout supplement of various compounds, such as beta-alanine, caffeine, and arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) for 8-weeks. There was no improvement in exercise performance between the participants on placebo or the pre-workout supplement [13]. ]


Senior Member
Alpha Ketoglutarate plays an important role in the Kreb's cycle. Alanine is largely stored in muscle and participates in the Glucose/Alanine cycle which then stimulates more important cycles in the liver. OKG (ornithine alpha ketoglutarate is preferred over AAKG (arginine based) as arginine can stimulate viral activity.