ohhh lol.. you shouldnt have told us that.. here I was thinking you'd asked us for that very reason so thinking just how smart an idea it was (and wishing I'd thought of posting something like this myself).
I'd love to see peoples actual results too for some of those tests if they didnt mind sharing
My abnormalities have been (I'll post my worst results)
- Severely failed the Rombergs test (instantly went down)
- EEG abnormalities (non specific ...wrong brain wave state when my eyes are shut etc, "No normal alpha activity")
- Rhythmic Myoclonus
- Unequal pupils and response
- Hyper-reflexia
- Postive Vision Contrast testing (biotoxins)
- Frozen shoulder under 40 years (specialist said causes of this at this age is usually autoimmune related)
- Early osteroarthritis from 35 years (neck, mid back and lower back)
- IBS (diagnosed by gastro)
- Eye specialist said my eyes are aging (Im only 40, so now I need glasses)
- Aspergers (offical diagnoses)
- Developed two leaky heart valves (I'd read that that usualy goes with Mitral Valve Prolapse)
- POTS (ive worked that out from taking my heartbeats, I meet the diagnostic criteria)
- CMV IgG antibody detected
- Toxoplasma IgG antibody detected
- Strep B (its gone now it was treated)
- Staphylocci in my nose (its gone now it was treated). Ive also had a lot of other issues too with staph infections
- DQ2/DQ8 postive (I carry the genetics for celiac disease thou my blood tests dont show I have it)
- I had bad mono
- strange rashes/skin discolourations
- very high fevers
- High Adrenaline (lab normal was 0-0.08 my result was 0.13 )
- hyperinsulinemia
- high AST (lab normal 0-40, my result 46)
- Hypercholestemia (ideal <5.5, my result 6.7)
- Homocystine was in normal range but specialist said was too high at my level and should be lower and indicated issue so hence got tested for MTHFR polymorphism due to that .. and tests then showed I have MTHFR polymorphism
- I had too much estrogen .. that's given me polycystic ovulation syndrome
- high TP (lab normal 65-80, mine 81)
- very high copper on hair analyses
- high Chloride (lab normal 98-109, my result 110)
- low sodium (lab normal 136-146, my result 135)
- hypoglycemia, low glucose (lab normal 3.0-6.9 my result 2.4)
- low testosterone (before I got ME I had high testosterone)
- low cortisol, 24hr urine test (lab normal 50-350, mine 48), cortisol dont tend to raise when stressed or with exercise
- low Anion Gap (lab normal 10-18, mine 8)
- low M.C.H.C. (lab normal 315-355, mine 314)
- APTT (lab normal 26-39, mine 24)
- Prothrombin Time (lab normal 13-15.5, mine 12.9)
- Ferritin, low/no iron storage (strange as i eat meat or eggs 3x daily)
- molybdenium deficiency
- Severe vitamin D3 deficiency (lab norm 60-160, mine 31) (it dropped more with daily supplementation) (my D2 levels strangely thou are good. Where's my D3 going?).
- lots of my mineral balances are messed up.. high Calicum to Phosphorus balance, high (offchart) Calicum to Potassium, high (offchart) calicum to Magnesium, low Iron to copper balance, low zinc to copper, low sodium to magnesium.
- BP 70/55 (low) to 156/138 (high) orthostatic hypertension .. completely dysregulated BP
- Imbalance LH/FSH (reversed ratio)
On hair analyses there was an additional trace element I was well beneath reference range for... Germanium .. (it says thou However deficiency signs and conditions have not be documented in humans so therefore clinical significance cannot be placed on low germanium level at this time). Who knows.. maybe ME is a deficiency in something they dont know about yet!!
Borderline.. <White cell count and <Neutrophils (always borderline or close to it)
>ESR (mine goes up one every year so next time Im tested it will high)
Thou not tested, im sure I have low glutathione as undenatured whey helps me.