What is this horrible metallic taste??


Senior Member
Rich I will look into this test, my only concern is if I do have high levels of some metal what then? Is there anything to be done about it? If not seems like the info wont really help.


Senior Member
Rich I will look into this test, my only concern is if I do have high levels of some metal what then? Is there anything to be done about it? If not seems like the info wont really help.

Hi, Juniemarie.

There are several chelating agents available for various metals. I think the first step would be to find out whether your level of any of the metals is elevated. Then, if one is, you can look at the available chelators to see which would be the best to use.

Best regards,

There was an interesting piece on television here in the UK about people who consumed pine nuts getting a metallic taste in their mouth that could last for weeks after they stopped consuming them. Maybe there's something like that involved?


Senior Member
pken Oddly enough I live in N.M. where pinon(pine nuts) is abundant and extremely popular. Sold onthe side of the rd certain times of the year........I cant stand them and never eat them.
I get a terrible taste in my mouth. Sometimes it tastes like metal. Usually it progresses till nothing I eat tastes good. Sometimes it gets so bad I can't eat anything. You might read this http://www.webmd.boots.com/oral-health/guide/metallic-taste-bad-taste I Didn't really see anyone else mention this but but when I start having problems I start taking 50-150 mgs of zinc a day and usually it takes care of it within a week or two. I take the zinc for about a month or so and then stop until I start having problems again.

Hope this helps.


Senior Member
Metallic taste started last night and it is driving me crazy. I've not been well for a month anyway but now this is making me very sick. I am panicking because of this. My tongue is slightly swollen and my throat is very dry. I have a pain in my throat. I feel shivery too.
I take euthyrox 50mg, beta blocker 25mg every other day and vitamin D. I eat gluten free. Please, any ideas?
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Senior Member
I feel so unwell, I have fever too.
Anyone any suggestion?
Feel quite desperate really.
Hi Juniemarie - I get that metallic taste when I'm going downhill. Not on any meds although I used to be on B12 injections monthly, but it makes no difference. I don't have it all the time, just when I'm particularly run down, and it's usually accompanied by 'fizzing' neurological sensations in my face. I also occasionally smell a burning rubber smell, which is a bit disconcerting.

I have this metallic taste most of the time and some foods, herbs and meds can worsen it. I have thought of metals since I had a bit cinnabar exposure from Chinese herbs. I also get this "fizzing/buzzing" neurological sensation in my head, funny vibration in tongue that extends to head and it feels weird. Hard to even describe!! Still trying to figure out the cause. Last night took esomeprazole and it got worse.


Senior Member
I have this metallic taste most of the time and some foods, herbs and meds can worsen it. I have thought of metals since I had a bit cinnabar exposure from Chinese herbs. I also get this "fizzing/buzzing" neurological sensation in my head, funny vibration in tongue that extends to head and it feels weird. Hard to even describe!! Still trying to figure out the cause. Last night took esomeprazole and it got worse.

First thing is to check to your thyroid panel.

Any pathology that disrupts the cellular ion channels can give taste issue, so I would check this in first line, (with fT3 and reverse T3)
First thing is to check to your thyroid panel.

Any pathology that disrupts the cellular ion channels can give taste issue, so I would check this in first line, (with fT3 and reverse T3)

Okay, thyroid issues are very possible since I have subclinical hypothyroidism and take T4 currently (50mcg). But I also wonder about adrenal issues because I seem to not tolerate thyroxine increases well. I took hydrocortisone long time ago for quite some time, then weaned off. Wonder if I should try it again. It can make me a bit "bipolar" though, with mood swings.