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What has your experience been with butyrate supplementation?

I'm thinking of trying butyrate for my very inflamed and leaky gut. Has anyone else tried this? What kind of results did you have?

Specifically, I'm interested especially in those who have had anxiety stemming from gut issues and whether or not butyrate helped to alleviate that along with the pain and inflammation.


Senior Member
Wondering if you tried butyrate at all and have anything to report? I've a bottle of capsules and I'm trying to find a window to try them.


Senior Member
I did add them just before I moved and while I think its the moving house that seems to have caused a dramatic improvement its definitely possible its the butyrate sodium with a delay of about 13 days and about 1 month in all to see real significant progress.


Senior Member
I’ve been taking them for about two weeks - so far, less bloating, smoother digestion, less ‘anxious’ tummy feeling. Butyrate does seem to relax me (Miyarisan probiotic and resistant starch both work too).


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes


Senior Member
So there was a long thread a while back on this where some people called it a game changer: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/clostridium-butyricum-a-game-changer.37324/

However, I also just found this thread where someone showed some studies indicate it can reactivate viruses: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/thr...tively-to-fiber-probiotics.60291/#post-982260


This disease is so "half-dozen of one; six of the other." :oh-dear:

Is there anybody in that first thread taking butyrate as a supplement or just the probiotic?


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Is there anybody in that first thread taking butyrate as a supplement or just the probiotic?

I haven't read it for a long time but I think many of them were just taking the Miyarisan Japanese probiotic.
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Senior Member
I have been taking butyrate supplement for a few days now (BodyBio, Calcium/ Magnesium Butyrate) 1 capsule per day. It has reduced my brain fog but I get a slight headache from it with stomach pain and increased gas. After I eat something, soon after I get stomach pain that results in diarrhea. These effects are the same I get from probiotic supplements which have many billion bacteria per capsule.

This is a good article and food for thought: https://www.lucymailing.com/scfas-p...utyrate-paradox-can-excess-butyrate-be-toxic/

This quote concerns IBD but same may apply to other diseases also:

"For years, researchers have observed that patients with IBD have reduced levels of butyrate-producing bacteria. It has been thought that this is a potential cause of disease. While this lack of butyrate producers is certainly representative of dysbiosis, this research outlined above makes me wonder if a lack of butyrate producers is actually a consequence of the disease. In other words, is it possible that an inflamed gut that is not in the condition to tolerate luminal butyrate might select against butyrate producers to protect stem cells and allow proliferation and mucosal repair?"
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Senior Member
couldnt tolerate it at all, was so bad I didnt even try a second time, went right into the bin.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
There is a thread somewhere on the forum on Miyarisan. It's a butyrate producing probiotic from Japan. The title Included the words "Game Changer," if I recall because that's what some felt it was, in their experience. Not sure if it continued to be but anyone interested in butyrate supplements might look for that thread as well.


Senior Member
There is a thread somewhere on the forum on Miyarisan. It's a butyrate producing probiotic from Japan. The title Included the words "Game Changer," if I recall because that's what some felt it was, in their experience. Not sure if it continued to be but anyone interested in butyrate supplements might look for that thread as well.

I have been taking it for about 2 months. I would call them expensive white tablets that took a long time to get here since they came from Japan.


Senior Member
Never tried that, but have for decades very sucessfully used pure amino acid powder (mixes easily with water) L-Glutamine to calm the most savage "indigestion."