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What has stopped methylation for you?


Senior Member
Would be interesting to see what, in ppls experiences, has stopped methylation from working. For me it's been:

Lack of vitamin C
Lack of magnesium
Lack of zinc
Lack of methylfolate
Lack of lithium

Methylfolate has been able to cover up for C, mg and zinc. When I took zinc and mg effect returned within a few hours. When C was the problem, the effect came the day after adding it.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
I've stopped methylation even before I began it :p. From what I've read it seems overly complicated and the explanations have all been lacking.

It seems to be try these supplements in different orders and amounts. If there is failure it is the patient's fault. Basically it seems to be blame the patient as opposed to the therapy when treatment fails...


Senior Member
This is a good thread and something I've been researching lately. I believe the failure many have in taking these supps lies in a deficiency. I am having better success since I've added Glycine, for example. A comprehensive methylation supplement plan would account for all possible co-factors and possible deficiencies thereof. I hope this thread gains some traction in that end.