one thing that helped me alot was a healthpoint electro-acupuncture device. i manage to buy 1 for £2 at a car boot. it removed two years of stitch in my liver immediately. i rate it as what brought me back from a state called "retention toxicity" something i heard h.huggins coin first and fit me to a t. basically it untied a load of nots all round my middle. id gotten worse post mercury removal. i found this device to be much more affective than paid for needle treatments.
another device(s) ive used alot of are "angel pulsors", set of 3 in blue, green and red, with the handbook "healing energy" by john davidson, to go with them so as to know where/how to use the pulsors. for instance, green pulsor on the brow, red under the right shoulder, blue under the left, whilst lying down, relaxes the mental circuit. can also relax emotional and/or physical circuits. can be profoundly relaxing. they induce the delta state which is kind of catatonic i think, very healing, like deep sleep. it combines the principles of polarity therapy, of randolph stone with the use of the composite micro-crystal pulsors of dr .yao. i find sleepig with the pulsors on my tummy to be very soothing. i would rate that single inclination as the reason for another possible recovery as doing that, with the right diet, was able to repair the gut during sleep.
tai chi did some real good once but never kept it up. central most important step for me was low g.i. organic "hay combining" diet. the rest only works if i get that right really. no way i could ever repair my gut if i were eating gluten. so i go for diet and treat yourself at home. there are some real decent devices on the market now, that healthpoint device, with the indepth manual, is like being a master acupuncturist. ive tried a few other devices but only had any luck with these. the pulsors are quite surprising in how they can inintiate a deep relaxation. if i had to have only one device it would be a set of pulsors. i found they really tip it in my favour. the relaxation they give is followed by an equivalent small die off. so you're getting die off without taking anything physical inside, that might have undesribale side affects anyway.
i thought complex homeopathy had quite a kick to it. cranial-sacral was nice and something id do twice yearly if i could. my sis has done relfexology on me which was relieving.