She can ask a surgery if she could register with them, she doesn't even need to get one allocated, but you're right,
ithought. Katie has a right to have a gp.
Hi Peggy - Sue - I think you are getting your threads crossed. This thread is not discussing Katie, but another severe patient. And yes the patient knows they are entitled to a new GP, but fears 'more of the same'. They do not have the ability themselves to sort all this out and their local M.E group has said there is nothing they can do to help. I was hoping that they might have someone who is at least as functional as me who could either visit on the odd occasion or help out with letter writing etc - I am so far away from them I cannot do much at all.
Thanks for all the suggestions and ideas. The patient is very keen to look down the MCAS route - especially as they have such SEVERE itching, which appears to be caused by dust, but as being moved is impossible they have to go it alone in ordering and trying things. I think I said earlier that ordinary anti histamines caused a reaction of vomiting, so it is limited what they can try.
I believe the itching is the the most prominently difficult symptom to live with currently and is making their life a living hell.