1) What they had back then may not have been ME, could have been some form of polio or polio-consequence?
or, polio triggered ME and caused it's own unqiue ADDITIONAL issues form the polio.
very hard to tell.
2) What if ME is triggered by polio vaccinations? historically there have been a huge amount of problems with such and still are in developing countries where they test new versions
3) Note also that "triggering" maybe due ot XMRV being involved
4) Mass vaccinations grealty ramped up in number of shots and forced on folk for schooling etc aorund that time
5) Air travel. this is the STUPIDEST thing we Humans have ever done in terms of allowing diseases to spread! Since the 70s, massive proliferation fo cheap air travel's let God only knows how many diseases spread, where as before they'd die out in travel onboard ships as the patients recovered.
6) Yes biowarrfare is a possible issue, but one pathogen doens't carry dozens of other ones! however, wepaonized strains could pass on genes to other pathogens in the wild and that's a scary damn thought.
to make a bug affect Humans better, the assholes used various techniques, resulting in germs that had a unnatural affinity to infect us. If these germs then got into the wild it's highly likely they coudl pass on those genes to other pathogens, which is one reaosn why any sane person should never had began such work, they aren't weapons, they are uncontrollable damn liabilities.
Also, forever after, any unusual disease casts the shadow of it being a bioweapon because these lunatics did in fact do such work, such as HIV making many folk think it's a bioweapon, due to known requests/funds for investments in pathogens that attack the immune system
no, I'm not saying HIV is a bioweapon, merely that it is a plausible if unlikely possibility, as the stupid idiots actually seriosuly considered making such, see USA 1968 $10 million budget for such a bioweapon. however, techniques of "gene splicing"/understanding of retroviruses etc was lacking at the time so it is unlikely.
Always remember with science, it's about *probabilities*, there's no such thing as "the truth", only likelyhoods of probability.
Yes, Western biowarfare systems were about economic warfare, crippling, not killing, creatign fmaines, sickening workers of the producive years etc.
But does this mean ME is related to a bioweapon? I tend to doubt it except in relation to Lyme, which almsot certainly is a bioweapon. Governments may have panicked thinking ME is one of their germs got lose, or merely to protect prfits of their insurance company campaign contributers especially after the HIV mess, or the feared it was related to vaccines...or who knows.
Again, techniques of viral manipulaiton weren't advanced enough back then, so it's unlikely, but not impossible.
7) Many immuno-comprimised people in society increases risk of a pathogen mutating in a weak defence system, to become able to infect Humans where as it should have died out.
for example, bad health care in USA let multi-resistant TB develop there in the sick and poor, which could then affect healthy people and is incredibly virulent.
8) Clusters still occur but I don't think they're being reported
when I got ME back around 1994, it was after a very nasty flu-like bug (took about 2 months to get over), it had hit a hell of a lot of folk around my town and left a good few with ME (from what a GP said).