What do you eat when your craving sweets?

I'm doing well with my fruits, veg, and proteins....but at the end of the day my sweet tooth hits hard. Any healthy good for my cfs ideas?


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Texas Hill Country
I'm doing well with my fruits, veg, and proteins....but at the end of the day my sweet tooth hits hard. Any healthy good for my cfs ideas?

Make sure you eat protein with each meal (I'm guessing you do this already). If I crave sweets after dinner, I often have a cup of Good Earth Sweet & Spicy herbal tea (it comes with caffeine as well). It's naturally sweet, no sugar added and satisfies my craving. Another one I like is caffeine free Bengal Spice tea by Celestrial Seasonings.
I'm doing well with my fruits, veg, and proteins....but at the end of the day my sweet tooth hits hard. Any healthy good for my cfs ideas?

Well this might sound wierd but I make a bit of "milk cream". I take a can of coconut milk and drain the liquid part. I put the rest in the fridge to chill a bit. Then I put some in s dish with some berries or fruit, a bit of honey (if you can have honey) and pretend I'm having ice cream. At first I wasn't thrilled with it but it's really grown on me.


Senior Member
With the autoimmune paleo diet which is high fat very low carb, my cravings for sweet things disappeared overnight. It is better for the body to increase good fats rather than eating too much protein. The error of Atkins.

I make a mouse with berries, coconut milk and gelatin with a little coconut nectar and it is very satisfying g and healthy.


Senior Member
I second @belize44! Dates are awesome and while a little calorically dense are also chock full of nutrients and fiber.

Add a couple squares of 85% chocolate to the dates (a bite of chocolate along with a bite of date) and yum! Any jones you have for anything sweet flies right out the window. I'll turn down chocolate cake now, or even ice cream with cocoa on it, in favor of dates and chocolate.

I don't really get cravings per se any more, any more but still like a bit of a treat after supper sometimes.


Senior Member
I go for chocolate, also a half teaspoon of honey is an immediate fix for me if I have no chocolate at hand. Those two are good if you need a fix everyday. I'd have a glass of water after it.

I agree that dates and walnuts are really nice together. I used to make a date, walnut and honey loaf - very nice with a bit of butter spread over and a cup of tea alongside.


Senior Member
I don't have much of a sweet tooth anymore, thank goodness but I like FRUIT!!! I'm a fruit maniac! I put cinnamon on top of cut fruit or sometimes kefir and maple syrup. Maybe add dried coconut and raisins for texture.


85% dark chocolate. Dab it with coconut oil or rice bran oil and put salt crystals on top.

Fake cookie dough: melt some butter in some hot water, add a little maple syrup. Then a little non-wheat flour and a bunch of oats. Finally a touch of salt and mix it all together.

Homemade banana bread with no sugar added or a little honey.

Dried mangoes

Lara bars