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What do people do to increase their Natural Killer Cell Activity?


Senior Member
I am looking for ways to increase my Natural Killer Cell Activity....has anyone have any thoughts, ideas, remedies, treatments etc. that have been effective for them? Thank You...


Senior Member
I am looking for ways to increase my Natural Killer Cell Activity....has anyone have any thoughts, ideas, remedies, treatments etc. that have been effective for them? Thank You...
My daughter's NK cell activity went from low to high normal when she took inosine at the suggestion of her ME/CFS specialist. It's an over-the-counter supplement that is easy to get online. There was a complex dosing schedule needed for it to work best, iirc. It was something like 1500 mg daily weekdays Week 1, then 2000 mg daily weekdays Week 2, weekends off. Don't take that as gospel, as it's been a while so I'm not confident I remember it correctly. Hopefully someone currently on the protocol will chime in with more reliable info.


Senior Member
I've tried inositol but it caused a gout attack within 10 days, so have not tried again. I'm interested in whether anyone's had NK improvement using AHCC (mushroom mycelia extract). I've been using this for a few months as suggested by Dr Kaufman.


Senior Member
Dr.Chia is recommending x2 caps 3 times a day of Inosine by Life Extension and Equilibrant. I'm not sure if this is based on body weight because my friend is his patient not me.


Senior Member
Dr.Chia is recommending x2 caps 3 times a day of Inosine by Life Extension and Equilibrant. I'm not sure if this is based on body weight because my friend is his patient not me.
That seems like a lot of inosine, though I don't know how much is in a capsule of that brand. Dr. Chia recommended the Anabol Naturals brand to me, 500 mg once a day.


Senior Member
@halcyon they are 500mg per capsule. I tried this protocol for 2 months- I didn't feel any different. Immunovir on the other hand made me feel very sick one week after taking it.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Just a thought , awhile back i remember reading that the amount of inosine in immunovir was like 200 to 300mg per 500mg pill. So its not an exact cross over dosing inosine.

So top dose of immunovir is 6 tabs a day this would be equal to 2 to 3, 500mg inosine pills.

I have thought of adding immunovir again but the cost doesn't seem worth the benefit. Inosine is very cheap especially at 2 to 4 pills a day and worth a shot.

Its hard to rate treatments and also depends on infections and abnormalities one has.
No experience with these treatments but say rituximab and ampligen are an A as theres enough stories of recoveries or almost recoveries. Again depending on whats abnormal (sticking with infection/immune treatments ), I would class antivirals and antibiotics as a B. If i was going to rate immunovir/inosine i would give it a C as many seem to show some lab improvements . I would rate cycloferon a -B or +C as i have had tests show increase in nk function and noticeable symptom improvement but it needs to be used intermittently . At the moment its hard to get.

I did have a slight increase in nk numbers with immunovir. Im considering trying the same thing with inosine and see if nk numbers increase.

For me it doesn't seem a solo treatment for infections as i still need my antivirals .


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@heapsreal Have you decided what dose inosine? There were 3 different protocols here. I never noticed much different with immunovir which I pulsed over 8 or so months.

I'm thinking to stick with inososine at a dose I can tolerate and then maybe add oxymatrine caps.

Like you say not a solo treatment but if taken with famvir and maybe valcyte it could help things?

I think with inosine it has to be long term and not expect to feel immediate relief like we can with av's.

@lnester7 have you heard anything? I like your LDN, inosine and oxymatrine protocol.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
@heapsreal Have you decided what dose inosine? There were 3 different protocols here. I never noticed much different with immunovir which I pulsed over 8 or so months.

I'm thinking to stick with inososine at a dose I can tolerate and then maybe add oxymatrine caps.

Like you say not a solo treatment but if taken with famvir and maybe valcyte it could help things?

I think with inosine it has to be long term and not expect to feel immediate relief like we can with av's.

@lnester7 have you heard anything? I like your LDN, inosine and oxymatrine protocol.

Probably alternate between 2 and 4 tabs a dayand take a couple of days off every so often .


Senior Member
I watch Natural Born Killers endlessly on repeat.

On a serious note, aren´t Reishi mushrooms supposed to increase NK cell activity? It´s a pity Ampligen isn´t available, because it´s supposed to work by increasing this, I think.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Probably alternate between 2 and 4 tabs a dayand take a couple of days off every so often .

I think @lnesterk7 commented about taking off after 6 months. I wasn't clear on what she said.

Are you going to take them 7 days a week? I think I may do 3 caps a day if I can tolerate it for maybe 3 months then take a week or so off. I'm still hoping to get some clarification from someone who knows the current protocol.


Senior Member
I am looking for ways to increase my Natural Killer Cell Activity....has anyone have any thoughts, ideas, remedies, treatments etc. that have been effective for them? Thank You...

Your best bets may be MGN3 Biobran, which apparently can stimulate sluggish NK cell activity by 300% or more; and 4Life Transfer Factor, which contains a combination of supplements, and claims to boost natural killer cell activity by 437%.


Senior Member
On a serious note, aren´t Reishi mushrooms supposed to increase NK cell activity?
I think that's the source (or a source) of AHCC, isn't it? If so, then it fits that they might improve NK cell activity. I'd go straight for the AHCC, myself, though. Might as well concentrate on the component that affects the factor you're trying to change.


@minkeygirl I am a mess on dose now, for sure I have to take one month off every 6months. I think I have to take the weekends off but not sure, will confirm soon, my appointment got moved again. I will try to remember to email u once I asked the doctor, if I do not, pls ask me in 2 weeks or so.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Thanks good luck. @heapsreal I think felt you had to take a break every so often.

So maybe her original protocol M-F was right?

I'll tag you hear in 2 weeks and you can message me when you can.

Thanks again.

@SOC heapsreal gave AHCC a serious go and it did nothing. And too expensive to continue


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Anyone know where I could buy a couple equilibrant? I am sensitive to many things and don't want to throw$50 away. I've taken oxymatrine with no problems but it's the OLE I've had problems with before and worries me. I don't know about some of the other stuff he uses

I get a certain reaction to things that I'm looking for that Will let me know right off the bat if I can take it vs it just making me feel bad because it's working


Tag me please. I'm a mess. Forgot I even wrote this
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wiggle jiggle
has there anything 'fathomable' understandable found why those NK cells are so super low?

except for genetic causes...?

"identified the genetic cause of a human NK cell deficiency as mutation in the MCM4 gene, encoding minichromosome maintenance complex component 4. "

  • colostrum (bovine)
  • melatonin
  • Maitake, shitake, reishi, and cordyceps species have been studied predominantly and highlight various potent immune stimulating effects including effects on NK cells.

sorafenib has recently been shown to trigger hepatic NK cell activation and induce NK cell antitumor responses by triggering the proinflammatory activity of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM)41

Sorafenib is a small molecular inhibitor of several tyrosine protein kinases (VEGFR and PDGFR) (tyrosine kinase inhibitor or TKI) andRaf kinases (more avidly C-Raf than B-Raf).[2][3]

interesting... i bumped into tyrosine kinase inhibitors for psoriasis related stuff...
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