When I first got ME I was eating more veges and whole-grains than I had previously. Since then (30 years ago) I have experimented a lot with diet.
Started with a no-dairy, no gluten and have worked my way through vegetarian, macrobiotic, vegan, raw, juiced and many other things. Largely because I have had flatmates over the years who have followed a particular diet and have cooked for me. At one time I went on an exclusion diet and then added foods in over time. My experience has been that diet doesn't have much of a positive effect on my (mainly viral) ME symptoms.
It's more a case of eating the things that don't upset my stomach and avoiding the ones that do. I've had this disease for a long time and there have been years of severe stomach upsets due to food poisoning, parasites or other reasons.
When ME first struck (acute viral onset) I was fine in my digestion for a while and then the antibiotics I was on for repeated infections took their toll on my stomach, then the mistake of taking anti-depressants made everything much worse.
During the first year of the disease I developed an anaphylaxic reaction to shellfish and on skin/blood tests showed allergies to many foods. Cutting them out of my diet though didn't cure the ME.
Now I live on a diet of simple salad things, some pulses, white bread/rice/pasta, meat, some eggs, some fish, a little dairy (like yoghurt) some fruits (like berries) and veges I can tolerate.
I avoid sulphurous veges, fermented products, mushrooms, wholegrains, nuts, apples and lots of other things that affect my stomach badly.