I have been electrosensitive (ES) for 20 years. I had an exam done some months ago when they examined myelin and axons and it didn´t show any defects of the myelin sheets. So , I don´t believe in the hypothesis that Richvank proposed. I have also been on a methylation protocol for more than 2 years. I do wish it had been possible to discuss this with Rich...We talked about the connection with GST gene defects that he also wrote about and lifted in some of his last posts 2012.
I, like all electro sensitive people I have talked to during the past 20 years- hundreds, have been exposed to toxins like amalgam, mold, organic phosphates, toxins from new computers and other new electronic equipments. There are also other chemicals that have started the ES.
We know that some computer brands also caused more ES than others. One electrical fact (don´t know how to express this) is that these computers had spikes of high frequencies, not an even sinus curve.
Finance people, who worked with more than one computer, that got ES had there computers built in and the cover was ventilated not into their workroom. The young guys got rid of their ES. Sorry for my poor language.
The proof for me of the connection with toxic chemicals is that many people instantly became ES when they where exposed to a specific toxic chemical. And some people were not ES when they weren´t exposed any longer. E.g. after they had moved out from a house with mold. Some after amalgam removal.
I have looked at gene tests from about 20 people today that are ES. They all have gene defects in the methylation cycle, and they all have GST gene defects. So my opinion is that we are intoxicated due to genetic defects in the methylation (which causes to low glutathione) and/or to enzyme defect(-s) that lowers the conjugating/binding capacity of glutathione. Too low glutathione, that we can´t bind properly.