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What are your experiences with colloidal silver?


Senior Member

I had a free topical product and it reduced acne clearly that I couldn't get rid off. Thinking about giving oral use a try too. I'm in a facebook group and most swear by it some saying it's their best health discovery.

Any experiences and recommendations for the dosage to get?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I hope you get some decent recommendations here, because most of the products I've checked out are absolute crap.

Do a google and learn a little about nano-particulate silver and the other forms, which slip what's left of the watery sponge that calls itself my brain. Ha.

Also ppm (parts per million) and how each level affects various issues ....

At any rate, it might be helpful to know .... and dont lose sight of the fact that what worked for one person might not work for another, so recommendations are a good place to start, but there's no escaping the dread google search .....

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
This won’t cure ME/CFS
Yeah, it can join the long and ever-increasing line-up of things that offer no cure, but can sometimes offer some amelioration of symptoms and general discomfort.

I've found a few of those thru endless trialing and failing and trialing again, with Dr Google assisting ....

And has been made manifestly evident in these threads, different things help different people in different ways, and to different degrees, so I wont completely argue with any of them. Just do your homework, dont base your choices entirely on what someone said in one of our threads here, and start low and slow.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Yeah, it can join the long and ever-increasing line-up of things that offer no cure, but can sometimes offer some amelioration of symptoms and general discomfort.

I agree. Although I haven't tried Colloidal Silver yet, it's on my list!:) I do know somebody that took it and had significant die-off symptoms from killing bacteria in her gut. So that might be something to watch out for.

Although supplements haven't cured me. Had I taken the view that there weren't any supplements or diet changes that would help my ME/CFS, I'd still be mostly bedridden. Instead of doing 6-7 hours a day of physical activity.

I've had a lot of disappointments with supplements that didn't work or gave me side effects. If I had to do it all over again, :eek::eek::eek::eek: I'd try as many supplements as I could to see what helped and what didn't.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Thanks for the tag @godlovesatrier , I wouldn't have seen this otherwise :nerd:

My two cents - I've used colloidal silver many times and in general it's been helpful in dealing with bacterial infections and possibly some viruses. I say possibly some viruses because I can't always tell what's going on with me - I know when I get sick (which is very often) but whether it's bacterial or viral or a combination of both, I'm never quite sure.

For me it's been important to take enough of the colloidal silver for it to be effective. It comes in all different strengths and I think in general the suggested doses and strengths are too low. Unfortunately it's expensive, and I think unduly so.

I know there's a lot of hype about argyria - skin turning blue from taking too much, but this is extremely rare and you'd have to take a high dose of improperly made colloidal silver for a long time for this to occur.

I remember one strep infection several years ago, I'd had a couple of courses of ABX but it kept recurring. Finally I turned to colloidal silver. I forget how long I had to take it, maybe a week? But the strep finally went away. It did cause a noticeable herx reaction - I got quite tired, temporarily, but afterwards was fine.

It is confusing to figure out the best type - there's ionic and nano particles as @YippeeKi YOW !! noted, and I just usually end up buying the highest concentration I can get for the best price.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
I know there's a lot of hype about argyria - skin turning blue from taking too much, but this is extremely rare and you'd have to take a high dose of improperly made colloidal silver for a long time for this to occur.

I've looked into this a couple of times, as I was thinking about using it. What I read said the same thing.