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What are people's experiences of the Pain Management Programme?

Sorry, this is a bit of a long post. I'm looking for some advice. I've received a letter through the post about attending an upcomingPain Management Programme which is 9:30-1:30 one morning a week for ten weeks. The letter wants me to confirm whether I will be attending for definite. It states clearly that they expect you to attend every session if you agree to go and that they expect you to participate in all aspects of the course and to do homework. At the moment I feel overwhelmed. I barely leave the house because my symptoms are so severe and feel I can't commit to anything so I don't know what to do. I would like to try to see if it would help but I feel like it's a lot of pressure and my anxiety is through the roof. I feel that the pain clinic I attend only take into account the Fibromyalgia but not the M.E. I've tried talking about my concerns with the coordinator but all they keep saying is, "Pain is not a valid reason not to attend." However, for us it's not just pain is it? I'm hopeless in the morning because I'm on such strong painkillers so would really struggle to get there by 9:30am. Then there's the sitting and concentrating for four solid hours! What should I do? What have been other people's experiences? Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Senior Member
The letter wants me to confirm whether I will be attending for definite. It states clearly that they expect you to attend every session if you agree to go and that they expect you to participate in all aspects of the course and to do homework.
There's several red flags there which make it sound as if this is a psychological course, and they are not acknowledging any disabling biological illness. I'd say no thanks, and look for a doctor who is willing to provide real help with your symptoms.