What about Dr John Chia from California or Dr Sharp in Texas? How about TCM?


Senior Member
Dr. Peterson is doing alot of collaboration with researchers in Australia. Perhaps if you wrote to him with details about your son, he might be able to steer you to someone in Australia that he is working with. You could also try the other CFS specialists in the U.S. such as Klimas, Bateman, Erlander, Montoya, Lapp, Cheney, and Kogelnik to ask for advice. You never know until you ask and a letter has a better chance of reaching one of these doctors than just making a cold call by phone.


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australia (brisbane)
Dr. Peterson is doing alot of collaboration with researchers in Australia. Perhaps if you wrote to him with details about your son, he might be able to steer you to someone in Australia that he is working with. You could also try the other CFS specialists in the U.S. such as Klimas, Bateman, Erlander, Montoya, Lapp, Cheney, and Kogelnik to ask for advice. You never know until you ask and a letter has a better chance of reaching one of these doctors than just making a cold call by phone.

i believe dr peterson is working with bond university as they are looking into diagnostic tests for cfs and have done studies on nk cells in cfs patients. They seem to be only into research and my last email to them i asked about treatment trials and they replied not at this stage as they would have to be done through medical/doctor researchers. So at this stage i take it that they dont treat cfs patients.



Formerly PWCalvin
I wanted to revisit this thread to add my two cents about Dr. Chia. I had my first appointment with him yesterday and was very impressed. Of course, it's too early to tell if I'll respond to his treatments, but here's a full write-up of my experience with him.


Thank you PW for the post, Now if u noticed I asked u in another thread about if u were suppose to go up to 6 a day because Dr. told me only to do 2 or 3 tops, and I wonder why, I guess because I am Hispanic/Latino then!!!


SouthEast USA
sorry to hear of your situation.
I am in the United States & I have struggled to find a useful doc.
I did a phone consult with Dr Chia a while back. He charges $350 for an initial consultation.
He kept talking for 2 hours apparently. I wound up with a bill for $700.
He seems to be a dedicated physician. Very convinced that enteroviruses are the root cause.
I came away thinking it would have been better to just do the testing through Arup Labs and then treat with equilibrant if the tests were positive.
Long way of saying, his protocol is on the web.
Can't you just ship some blood to Arup Labs?
There are some Aussies on this board. You might want to speak to them.
I think you do need a doctor to help you, but it seems to be a very hit and miss proposition to me.
Everybody, including Dr Paul Cheney and Jose Montoya and Dan Peterson, are still feeling their way through this.. it seems to me....from what I read.
Be careful how you spend your money.

Have been a patient of Dr. Cheney for 10 years off and on. My surprise on a trip to see him this year is
I can't get any reports from them or much communication after the initial $$$$visit. They do no testing in their office or lab. Send tests to you .If you want them ,to figure out on your own. Has one employee that has no decision making power. I think he is brilliant, but follow-up is lacking.
I think he is brilliant, but follow up is sorely lacking.


SouthEast USA
sorry to hear of your situation.
I am in the United States & I have struggled to find a useful doc.
I did a phone consult with Dr Chia a while back. He charges $350 for an initial consultation.
He kept talking for 2 hours apparently. I wound up with a bill for $700.
He seems to be a dedicated physician. Very convinced that enteroviruses are the root cause.
I came away thinking it would have been better to just do the testing through Arup Labs and then treat with equilibrant if the tests were positive.
Long way of saying, his protocol is on the web.
Can't you just ship some blood to Arup Labs?
There are some Aussies on this board. You might want to speak to them.
I think you do need a doctor to help you, but it seems to be a very hit and miss proposition to me.
Everybody, including Dr Paul Cheney and Jose Montoya and Dan Peterson, are still feeling their way through this.. it seems to me....from what I read.
Be careful how you spend your money.

Have been a patient of Dr. Cheney for 10 years off and on. My surprise on a trip to see him this year is
I can't get any reports from them or much communication after the initial $$$$visit. They do no testing in their office or lab. Send tests to you .If you want them ,to figure out on your own. Has one employee that has no decision making power. I think he is brilliant, but follow-up is lacking.


Senior Member
Does Dr. Chia do just phone consultations? At this point I have no funds or energy to travel and am looking for someone who can just see me by phone all together. Though he sounds rather pricey, really ridiculous what they are charging disabled people who can't work and have 0 quality of life.