

iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
wellbutrin sr

After advice on splitting wellbutrin sr tablets, have read on one site (wikipedia) that this can be done without losing its slow release effect. I have ordered wellbutrin sr 150mg, not xr version. As im a bit sensitive to stimulant type meds i would firstly like to take 75mg and take it from there.

Any advice apprecited.


I took the Wellbutrin XL for a long time.....

As I got sicker, I became less able to tolerate medications. After stopping Wellbutrin altogether for a while, I tried again in an attempt to get at least some energy going, so I tried the SR, and also tried cutting the 150mg in half and then quarter, but I just couldn't tolerate it.

I do have a friend though, who splits her 150 SR tablets in half and says she does just fine - works much better for her. So I suppose it won't hurt to try. You could try 1/4 first. I have seen a published list somewhere of sustained release medications that are supposedly just fine if cut - can't remember where I saw it or whether Wellbutrin was on it. Only really remember how disgruntled the pharmeceutical companies were to hear that information was out there:p


Senior Member
heapsreal I take 150mg wellbutrin SR only

I could not take the ones that were red and gave you to much all at once.
I could not take the extended release.
The wellbutrin Sr slow release was quite hairy to get on. It literally saved my life. You will have a lot of anxiety or not everyone is different. Headaches are very common but they will go away.

I can take my wellbutrin in the morning. Then my body tells me when it is two in the afternoon. Never take the pill in afternoon after 2 or 3. Cannot sleep anyway but it will really make you not sleep. I take klonopin for sleep.

I was suicidal from pain when my neurologist at Emory hospital Told me to start taking it.

Like I said it was really tough in the beginning for about 3 or 4 months. It gives me energy some days.
Helped the pain so much.

It is not a cure all by no means. I will tell you my doc wanted me on it so bad.
For the anxiety he gave me valuim. I do not use the valuim much at all now.
Not that I could not use it for those god awful stressful days.

I started taking it one pill at a time and took the one pill for a week and then started the other the next.
It is fast acting also.

Everyone is different but like I said it saved my life.

Good luck let me know how you do? lot of people say it makes them strung out. Well I can live with strung out. Not pain


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

thanks for replies,
depends on how i tolerate it, but was maybe going to use it on an as needs basis. 1/4s sounds like a good way to start. Have used reboxetine in a similar way but the sweats are horrible especially in summer, not to bad when need to mow the lawn etc, but not a good look when at work. Found that when taken regularly that the energy from it stops, using it intermittently helped, plus i think taking stimulants type drugs regularly just burns u out, whipping a dead horse so to speak.
The weightloss from wellbutrin would be a nice side effect too and the bedroom calisthetics could be handy, mmm can see how i would burn myself out if i had lots of energy and this is without leaving the bedroom, lol!!


WELLBUTRIN caused me to have a STROKE !

Hello All,
I have been on Wellbutrin 300XL for about 2 years now. About 2 months ago, I noticed that it didn't really seem to be working for me. I called my psychiatrist and left a message. She increased my doseage to 450XL in the am.

After talking with my psychologist, she mentioned that during the holidays that many people up their meds. So I felt good about it.

Two weeks later, I had a stroke and was paralyzed from the neck down. I went into atrial fribrillation in the ambulance. I felt myself slipping away and I told God that I didn't want to die yet, but if it is my time to go, well then I'm with Him.

I KNEW instinctively that it was due to the increase in Wellbutrin to 450XL. I tried to tell the dr's in the ER but they thought it was due to something else. I was in what they call in the ER, a "rag doll coma." I also had Scorching Pain thruout my body from the chest down to my legs that was unbearable for minutes at a time and then it would cease and turn into tingling in my fingers and toes, and then to numbness. This pattern went on for 5 agonizing hours with no movement beyond my neck down.
AFter a CAT scan, 2 EKGS, Lung Xray, Blood tests, urinalysis and an IV bag, they could not figure me out. EVERYTHING came out Normal.
The doctors agreed that it was due to the increase in Wellbutrin.

I slowly came back to life, being able to move my finger and hands first after about 5 hrs, then my arms, my legs, etc. When I could walk and eat, I was released.
I am still weak, fatigued (sleeping 14 hrs a nite) and have confusion and some cognitive problems 3 wks later. They put me back to 300XL and my goal is to get down to the lowest dosage possible within proper time frames.
I will not let this happen to anyone else and am being PROACTIVE on this new project with the FDA, BBB, Wellbutrin manufacturers, AMA, American Psychiatric Assoc. BE WELL MY PEEPS ! Terri **:)


Wow Terri

So sorry to hear that - that had to be terribly frightening! What a blessing that it was transient and you have no dammage.

I was on Wellbutrin XL for a few years, primarily for energy, and had increased to 450mg because it didn't seem to be working as well anymore. Shorty after, I experienced left-sided weakness and problems with balance, then left arm spasms and involutary movements. I immediately figured it may be the Wellbutrin and cut it back down, but symptoms increased over a couple days. An MRI showed an enhancing lesion in the cerebellum, which would be consistent with the symptoms I was having. This was determined to be an MS lesion. That was six years ago. I continued the Wellbutrin for another 3 years without problems, but stayed at 300. I know seizures can be a problem with increasing doses and with abruptly stopping the med. It finally just didn't work for me anymore, otherwise I would have stayed on it. After some time of being off, I tried again, but tried SR in small doses, but couldn't tolerate it.

However if I were in your shoes, I'd be wanting to wean off as soon as safely possible. :eek:

I'm just so glad you are doing well. Hopefully the problems with cognition will clear with time. Best of luck to you, and thanks so much for sharing your story. I think with CFS, we tend to be ultra sensitive to most meds. New ones scare me these days. I'm just not up for it anymore:rolleyes:

Warm regards,


Wellbutrin down to 300XL and hoping to go to less

Thank you so much for the special words. I feel as if my whole central nervous system went crazy and is still off due to the wellbutrin 300xl.

On 12/23 I see my psychologist/counselor lady and hope to convey my feelings on this to her. Since I still have depression, I am not sure of how to wean off correctly and my energy is very very low. I have to be really careful driving and will not drive with anyone else in my car, just in case. I stay in the slow lane and only drive when I absolutely have to.

I am hoping to find an alternative treatment to depression and am reading a book on Cognitive Therapy for Depression. It actually does help me. I also am finding that before I go into a pre-crash, that if I jog slowly inplace for one minute or so; I will get about 20 -30 minutes of more energy and a slight pick up me up in spirits.

I may try a hyperbaric chamber, but while expensive, I can sell something that I have here of value to cover most of the cost. I will need at least 10 sessions in a row.
Will keep an update going and God bless you, you little angel you !
Terri ***:D


Terri -

For what it's worth, of the various stimulating types of anti-depressants I tried, Wellbutrin was by far the easiest to wean off and I was on it a long time. It was painless and quick really. I hope you have the same experience.

Best of luck. Take good care;)


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi, took my first dose of wellbutrin 150mg today. So far all is well, it feels like it gives me energy but not over stimulated and at this stage dont think it will interfere with my sleep. Have used reboxetine(edronax) which is energising but interfers with sleep and i sweat alot. My only problem is my back is playing up so have the energy to do stuff but cant move, just cant take a trick at moment.

Also on zoloft so will keep taking wellbutrin with it and maybe drop the zoloft down the track. Think im on a winner, time will tell.



I hope it works for you. I was on it for about 5 years, after trying many others. It seemed to really help my energy a lot. I was able to get to sleep, but often had trouble staying asleep, but I don't think that was because of Wellbutrin. I wish it would have continued working for me. After a time, when it either didn't work as well, or I was just getting worse, I added Adderall to it and got another couple of years of mileage that enabled me to keep working when I otherwise wouldn't have been able to. Good luck to you;)!!!



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
having a few problems sleeping but this is because of this bloody back problem. its 3am so later will take another dose and see how it go's. works quite quickly for energy and appetitte control. hoping afew pounds go missing too.


Another dose at 3AM?

I hope I'm misunderstanding what you are saying........hopefully you are taking another dose of your sleep med at 3AM and not Wellbutrin.

I always took Wellbutrin very early in the morning upon first awakening - like at 4:30 AM, so I could be ready for the shower at 6AM and at work by 8, and also so it would likely not bother my sleep by time for bed at 10PM. For me it was very stimulating, so I wouldn't take it late in the day.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
A very low dose of wellbutrin (about 18 mg) helped a lot with migraines when I was in a "migraine cycle." Anyone else find this?



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
no wellbutrin at 3am, just something for my back. Im awake now and its after 6am so have just taken it. on days off at moment, always try new meds at first when on days off, dont some bad reaction when at work, lol


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
how did u get an 18mg dosage? my pills are 150mg dose, i can imagine cutting it in half or quaters but any more and it would be crumbs, lol. Interesting how it helped with migraines, i do get alot of headaches hopefully it works for that too. Head felt alot clearer with wellbutrin too. When i get this back sorted i might be able to get in and do stuff.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
ok, 75mg tabs , makes sense. so far it just makes me feel normal, head feels clear etc, maybe im low on dopamine. Might be why zoloft helps me too, it has some effct on dopamine. mmm interesting.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
doxepine with wellbutrin

Wondering if anyone has been on doxepine and wellbutrin together, wanting to know if there are any major interactions, i know there would be abit of a cross over with noradrenaline but not serotonin cross over. Looking at 150mg wellbutrin and say 20-50mg doxepine.