WELLBUTRIN caused me to have a STROKE !
Hello All,
I have been on Wellbutrin 300XL for about 2 years now. About 2 months ago, I noticed that it didn't really seem to be working for me. I called my psychiatrist and left a message. She increased my doseage to 450XL in the am.
After talking with my psychologist, she mentioned that during the holidays that many people up their meds. So I felt good about it.
Two weeks later, I had a stroke and was paralyzed from the neck down. I went into atrial fribrillation in the ambulance. I felt myself slipping away and I told God that I didn't want to die yet, but if it is my time to go, well then I'm with Him.
I KNEW instinctively that it was due to the increase in Wellbutrin to 450XL. I tried to tell the dr's in the ER but they thought it was due to something else. I was in what they call in the ER, a "rag doll coma." I also had Scorching Pain thruout my body from the chest down to my legs that was unbearable for minutes at a time and then it would cease and turn into tingling in my fingers and toes, and then to numbness. This pattern went on for 5 agonizing hours with no movement beyond my neck down.
AFter a CAT scan, 2 EKGS, Lung Xray, Blood tests, urinalysis and an IV bag, they could not figure me out. EVERYTHING came out Normal.
The doctors agreed that it was due to the increase in Wellbutrin.
I slowly came back to life, being able to move my finger and hands first after about 5 hrs, then my arms, my legs, etc. When I could walk and eat, I was released.
I am still weak, fatigued (sleeping 14 hrs a nite) and have confusion and some cognitive problems 3 wks later. They put me back to 300XL and my goal is to get down to the lowest dosage possible within proper time frames.
I will not let this happen to anyone else and am being PROACTIVE on this new project with the FDA, BBB, Wellbutrin manufacturers, AMA, American Psychiatric Assoc. BE WELL MY PEEPS ! Terri **