Optimist, thanks for sharing the video.
I experienced several of the symptoms you described. I remember researching and finding many possible causes. My symptoms matched several conditions (I had many symptoms in addition to what you listed). I channeled my inner Nancy Drew meets House

and investigated & addressed if needed: very high mercury; deficiencies of B12, B6, zinc, E, glutathione; neurotoxins; excitotoxins. I ruled out: autoimmune, movement disorders, seizures, lyme, chronic candida, TIA, methylation issues, food sensitivities, schwannoma.
I wish you lots of patience and good guidance. I'm very glad for you that you have an excellent Functional Medicine doctor.
Let us know the results of your MRI.
BTW, magnesium (Calm powder) helped my nerves calm down.
I turned out, nerve damage from a brain cyst was causing the twitching. I don't mention that to say that I believe that's what's going on with you. I only say it because you may wonder what was the result of all of the detective work and testing.
Take care,