Carter Burke
Good to hear a few more people trying BCAAs! I take them in power form - very cheap. But I think it's an important deficiency in CFS. Has helped muscle issues a lot over the months too - although it's not a quick-fix.
I'd also recommend L-Glutamine. Some sports supplements combine BCAAs and Glutamine. It's another common deficiency in CFS, and one of the most abundant amino acids in muscle. Also think it might be very good for CFS because it's fuel for the immune system and repairs leaky guts.
About 10-15g L-Glutamine and 10g BCAA/day - in between meals, but with some carbs - has been one of the best additions to my (lengthy) supplement program.
I'd also recommend L-Glutamine. Some sports supplements combine BCAAs and Glutamine. It's another common deficiency in CFS, and one of the most abundant amino acids in muscle. Also think it might be very good for CFS because it's fuel for the immune system and repairs leaky guts.
About 10-15g L-Glutamine and 10g BCAA/day - in between meals, but with some carbs - has been one of the best additions to my (lengthy) supplement program.