Toxin release through weight loss is a concern of mine. People who have been poisoned with pesticides are advised to remain the same weight and not attempt to lose any, but I was concerned about the strain on my heart with 42lbs gain ( after 56lb loss when first infected with Lyme). I am in heart failure.
My new diet which is plant based, sugar free and basically macrobiotic is causing weight loss which I am very pleased about but the loss is very slow even though I am not eating too many calories. My body seems to be resisting loss and the slightest thing stops it like eating millet which is probably thyroid.
In three months the loss has been about 17lbs and my heart is benefiting from it (with other health benefits) but my liver enzymes are up. and they should not be on my diet, so I am guessing that it is having extra work to do with toxins. I am having herx days as well. To combat this I am rifing for detoxification and using charcoal.
It is really great though as I am eating as much as I want to eat - after all, you don't want to pig out on brown rice

If I was younger, I think the weight loss would be faster (in my 60's) but it seems to be at the right rate for now.