An idiopathic medical condition is one with no known cause
Patients with idiopathic parkinsons disease,idiopathic cardiomyopathy and mitochondrial encephalomyopathy share different point mutations in the SAME MITOCHONDRIAL GENE!-Ozawa et al biochem biophys 1991 hoel et al 2005
Other ideopathic conditions
Autism 80% mitochondrial disorder weissmen 2008
Idiopathic renal disease
renal Fancomi syndrome
Idiopathic Alzheimers syndrome
Idiopathic pulminory fibrosis
"sideroblastic anaemia
ideopathic cerebral ataxia
Ulcerative colitis
muscular dystrophy
Addisons disease
There are others all with documented or suspected mitochondrial dysfunction
Idiopathic is the correct medical term for medically unexplained
There are going to be a lot of people under the new somatoform label!
Patients with idiopathic parkinsons disease,idiopathic cardiomyopathy and mitochondrial encephalomyopathy share different point mutations in the SAME MITOCHONDRIAL GENE!-Ozawa et al biochem biophys 1991 hoel et al 2005
Other ideopathic conditions
Autism 80% mitochondrial disorder weissmen 2008
Idiopathic renal disease
renal Fancomi syndrome
Idiopathic Alzheimers syndrome
Idiopathic pulminory fibrosis
"sideroblastic anaemia
ideopathic cerebral ataxia
Ulcerative colitis
muscular dystrophy
Addisons disease
There are others all with documented or suspected mitochondrial dysfunction
Idiopathic is the correct medical term for medically unexplained
There are going to be a lot of people under the new somatoform label!