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Warnings about taking some meds when ill


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I'd be very interested to know how everyone on this thread is managing their high BP after a few years have now passed by. I am hoping you have all seen improvements. I have had ME for 19 years, and now have high BP. The ACE inhibitor that my GP put me on causes me total insomnia. This is listed as a known SE ... yet my GP put me on it even though I have taken sleeping medication for terrible insomnia for 15 years! I see that ACE inhibitors, beta blockers and alpha blockers are all drugs that potentially cause insomnia. I am allergic to sulphonamide drugs which means I cannot take the 'diuretic' family of BP meds. So I am wondering what options I have ... not a lot? I'd appreciate hearing from any of you who found a way forward through this dilemma. My brand-new GP refers to me as "healthy" although I am too sick to work and receive govt. disability! Thanks for any info any of you can give!
I'm on 2.5 mg Nebivolol per day again - it's a beta blocker. I definitely don't need a diuretic as I also need, and take, Desmopressin to prevent excess urination, which I have otherwise.

My health is not good nowadays (ME for 24 years), but not as bad as some.

I sleep quite well most nights with different (over-the-counter) drugs taken in rotation, plus cannabis, which really helps.
I'm glad to hear that you can sleep ... but it seems that our overall health challenges increase with aging. OTC meds, herbs, supplements etc have never done anything for my sleep. I am going to try some minerals and also MBSR now for my high BP and see if I can get it down naturally.

By the way, my father was from Camborne, my grandparents from the Zennor area, and I grew up in Cornwall though now I live across the Atlantic!


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I'm glad to hear that you can sleep ... but it seems that our overall health challenges increase with aging. OTC meds, herbs, supplements etc have never done anything for my sleep. I am going to try some minerals and also MBSR now for my high BP and see if I can get it down naturally.

By the way, my father was from Camborne, my grandparents from the Zennor area, and I grew up in Cornwall though now I live across the Atlantic!
Fancy that! I am in the east of Cornwall, but don't come from there, although I have relatives in Devon.

What's MBSR?

Typically, having said I sleep OK, I had a bad night last night.
MBSR is mindfulness based stress reduction; a technique pioneered in the US by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It's now used in medical centres.