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Wanted: a small, inexpensive at-home FIR sauna


Senior Member
Did your expensive brand outgas very long?
Years ago I bought a bag I think it was made of nylon and polyurethane. At the time I was very sensitive to smells but my dr said it was ok for me to use. However I couldn;t stand the smell. I tried heating it for a week or so to make it outgas as much as possible but the smell never went away so i returned it without ever using it.


Senior Member
I have been sick with a viral bug and have put off buying anything for now. I am leaning towards one of those big heating pads.... not sure which...?

Did your expensive brand outgas very long? The knock-off is so much cheaper, but I think it's vinyl and that will never completely outgas. Not sure what to do. It's never easy to choose, when you don't want to spend lots of money (AGAIN!) on uncertainty.

For now I am doing epsom salt baths. They are cheap and easy.

Hey DB, the rub is I gave that FIR pad as a gift, which was then regifted to me a couple years later when I had an acute episode of back spasms, so I never knew if it was smelly or not. That's the tricky part of all this :(

OTOH I *live* on that thing now so it is the best money I ever spent. Since it is a flat pad, it would be really easy to isolate/wrap with mylar emergency blankets (would those deflect the heat?) or a tolerated plastic and foil tape if the outgassing was too much.

In the meantime I highly recommend adding grated fresh ginger root (not dried) to your epsom baths. It takes it up a notch.

Hope you get over your viral thing quickly!


Senior Member
I have been feeling overloaded with toxicity lately, and it has been especially horrible on my brain and sleep. I am looking to find a small, inexpensive sauna unit.

I have already tried the Biomat ($1600--very expensive!) and not very impressive considering all the hoopla around it. I have also tried to set up a sauna in my bathtub using brooder lights and mylar sheets over and around the tub to enclose the heat. This was recommended by a FB friend. But it required a lot of effort to set up and was not effective enough.

Now I am looking into these type of sauna units. I don't know if they are any good...? Does anyone have any experience with them? This one is only $175 and has lots of good reviews. http://www.amazon.com/Infrared-Portable-Foldable-Sauna-Detox/dp/B002POAYDW
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Any useful input would be appreciated. Thanks.

Has anyone seen these saunas adapted to near infrared?
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Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
One could always just buy a grow tent:


And then throw some fir and a heater in it. Price is pretty similar to the sauna tents and if you find it doesn't help you can always grow medicine in it 